The Story
Trapped in Icewind Dale, Dougan’s Heroes are trying to unravel the mysteries of this frozen land. The never-ending Rime and the unleashed forces of Auril, The Frostmaiden, have put Ten Towns on the brink of destruction. The heroes have already made a name for themselves, but between the goddess of winter, corrupted stone beneath their feet and Duergar attacks, survival is not certain. Based on the 5e adventure module Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden and the accompanying Plague of Ancients storyline.

The players
Katkaria – Tiefling Warlock (Great Old One patron) and her familiar, Kye
Aloysius Algood – Human Paladin of Tyr
Milo Tealeaf – Halfling Sorcerer/Cleric (and Axe Beak SCOOTAL)
Trevoure – Half Elf Bard
Elandris – Void Elf Demon Hunter (and Axe Beak Burul)
Hagrim – Human Ranger
Guest Stars
Fire Roar – Kenku Sorcerer
Frizzle – Fire Genasi Ranger