Today's Mighty Oak

“It’s bleach, Kelly, not Napalm!”

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, the best Taxi ads.  I love the Milky Way one:

It’s kind of sweet, but still funny.  Oh the Internet, will you ever cease amazing me?

Some big news from the BSA: Both Train and Carly Rae Jepsen have cancelled their concerts at the National Jamboree because of the membership ban.  Jepsen has been welcomed by the Canadian Scouts (she’s Canadian, by the way), and the world jamboree is a joint effort by the scouts of the USA, Canada and Mexico (but hosted here in WV), but here’s the bigger question: Did anyone at national even watch the “Call Me, Maybe” video to the end?  The guy Carly is drooling over is gay.  You’d think that would have tipped them off that she’s interested in equality.

Also in BSA news, petitions were delivered to the National Geographic channel, asking them to cut “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout,” or at least put a disclaimer before it.  Personally, I don’t really care either way, I can’t imagine it’s going to get great ratings, only based on the fact that I don’t think Nat Geo is included in many cable packages (but I may be wrong).

As Conclave approaches, I have a new candidate I want to support:

In other equality news, President Clinton is calling for the end of DOMA, the law he signed.

The hatred and bigotry of the Catholic Church leaders, further and further moves away from the Catholic laity.  In fact, 54% of Catholics support marriage equality (civil marriage I believe, but that’s kind of the point, religions can do what they want).

I can’t wait for Joss’s new movie to come out:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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