Today's Mighty Oak

One of those entries where I'm just getting some thoughts down, so it probably won't make sense, feel free to ignore

(As always)
my decision, why can't it be accepted
Everyone so scared

no time, but actually some semblance of hope then

left behind, have to wait for sally, otherwise nothing can be done

Oh yeah, I'm back (both to posting and in Pa.)!

Sorry it's been so long (That goes out to my avid readers…which I don't think I have any, so really to myself…I've wanted to post for a while, but haven't found the time, and of course this week I'm falling off the face of the earth…let's see if I can do an issue of The Review in two days!)

Anyway, I'm back from Arizona.  It was nice there, but I really missed Pittsburgh while I was gone (I know, I'm sentimental, and odd for actually wanting to stay in Pgh), it was just so flat and square (only a few roads curved, most were straight and it formed neat little blocks).  The plant life was georgous though and there seemed like lots of things to do, but it just wasn't home for me.

However, while in Arizona, I got to do lots of things for the first time:
Pick lemons (as big as oranges!): We brought back a bunch to give to Wrap-Master Mary per her request, so maybe she'll make us something good with them in the caf!
Visit someone in a gated community (I felt really poor)
Saw Young Frankenstein
Saw Airplane!
Saw Serenity (does anyone own "Firefly" and would let me borrow it?)
Went to a self-storage facility
Saw a llama farm
Watched horses look both ways, make sure we were stopping, and then cross the road in front of us
Waved to Mexico and California (and later, Minnesota)
Slept at a rest-stop for a night
Went over the continental divide
Went through Arch's national park (although we didn't have time to stop)

It was a great time, although I don't suggest driving through Kansas in the winter, it's seven hours of brown nothingness….KANSAS BLOWS!

Just in case, you are interested, we went from Phoenix, north to Utah where we picked up 70 (which we drove the rest of the time) and went to Colorado to visit Brad's older sister for the night. After that 12 hours of driving, we drove the next day through the rest of Colorado, all of Kansas and half of Missouri (14 hours). The last day we did the rest of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and to Pittsburgh (14 hours).

So, two days to do The Review this week (and the carpet was ripped out of the office, so now we have hard wood floors, but a new floor will be put down over the summer so it will look like the new piece connection Placid to Anslem (near the Metten Room, you see it when you go to the caf when the gate is up as long as you don't go down the stairs next to the jump elevator).

Also this week, I want to go to the Gallery opening (since I never have and it sounds fun), I have classes, meetings galore, and a bunch of other things that I can't remember at the moment, since it is almost five in the morning…hehehe.

Hopefully Tom and Evan are coming up this weekend to visit, so that will be nice, but knowing them, things will probably change, so we'll see what happens.  If they come up, make sure to stop over and see them (And of course, tmaster, if you wanted to pop over for a visit too, hehehe – speaking of, and my mind made the connection, but I'm odd, how goes the driving lessons?)

Ok, off to sleep!  Welcome back everybody, I'll be hiding from the world tomorrow, becasue it will probably suck for reasons aforementioned (don't worry, they're there)

Hello my Mike and I've fallen off the face of the Earth.

After this weekend (or a chance before) I think I'll be able to exist again, at least for a bit.

It's a lot of work being a Senior….

TMaster – I've been having troulbe with MSN, but I keep trying, hopefully we can catch each other soon!

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Take one that's actually next to you

"Hot on the synapses of the other two came a third thought, which said: It's only clothes, for goodness sake, you're beginning to take it all seriously"

The above was taken from Terry Pratchett's "Pyramids," part of the Discworld Saga.  I haven't read it yet (it's next on my plate), so I don't know the context, but knowing Pratchett, it will be an amazingly funny satirical look at something (in this case, Ancient Egyptian Myth).

And of course, the Steelers go to Detroit, and I, yes me, am hosting a Super Bowl Party.  Let me know if you're interested in coming!


The combination of numbers 8 and 10 are interesting….hehehe, hey, anything you read on the internet must be true (and I think they both are)

Ten Top Trivia Tips about The_psion!

  1. Scientists believe that the_psion began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas.
  2. You share your birthday with the_psion. (Editor's Note – amazing that I would share my birthday with myself!)
  3. On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of the_psion.
  4. Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing the_psion!
  5. The_psion kept at the window will keep vampires at bay!
  6. It takes forty minutes to hard-boil the_psion.
  7. The_psionicide is the killing of the_psion.
  8. If you kiss the_psion for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
  9. Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' – this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat the_psion'.
  10. The_psion can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!

I am interested in – do tell me about

Best quote from Campaigns class today:

I see nipple.  Hey, you asked!

Oh to be a Communication major.

It feels so alone over here lately.  I just feel so alone lately.  I'm really trying though.

I got stuff to make kamikazees, so if anyone ever wants one (or a few), come on over!

I get to take the Commodore to Jiffy Lube.  Two days, two freaking days after I get back to school, the oil light comes on!  I don't want to drive it home, but if I was at home, I'd change it myself (I don't have an oil pan or a way of disposing of the oil up here…my luck, I'd dumb the oil in a field, as suggested by a friend, and the one baby seal and the one seagull in the state would both fall into it and I'd be nicknamed Exxon-Valdez).

So off to Jiffy Lube tomorrow and then back here.  And then out to Best Buy Saturday and then back here.  Then home Sunday night and back here Monday afternoon (group interview thing Monday morning, we'll see how it goes!)

"Briefly he looked about him at the room he'd made, pleased by his efforts, then, picking up his pen again, he began to write, setting down the final words. The ending that was not a final ending."

Laxman has been sending transmissions from the cavern, apparantly he's meeting with a potential invenstor!

Perhaps the ending has not yet been written…

List ten things that make you happy in no particular order and then tag as many people as you want…

1. Books
2. Finding awesome music on my computer that I didn't realize I had (case in point: "What I didn't know" by Athenaeum)
3. Tea
4. Quiet snowstorms – it is dark, the snow is coming down fairly hard, but at least some of it is big fluffy flakes.  The christmas lights and street lights are on, but no cars are going by.  It's quiet.  Even the parkway (right behind my house) is quiet.  I can just stand outside, watch my breath, watch the snow falling and destress.  It's quiet.
5. Being able to go out with my friends (myself being the youngest, I used to get us kicked out of bars)
6. Camp Freedom (Diesel kicking for distance, the last night stand on the bridge, bridge jumping, the family, the monkeys, the roadtar/coffee, RIGHT FOOT!)
7. Guava juice
8. Deep conversations
9. Awkward pauses in conversation (other people hate them, I love them)
10. Knowing I've got a very good education, even though I'm in one of the "joke majors" (as I always say, as long as you put the work in, it's an amazing major)

I got tagged by Jolene….I'll tag Amy, Mary and Tim

And for once, Aurelius Hall's network is on the fritz, I can't get onto AIM or MSN and it's bugging me beyond belief (I have so much time that I can talk with you Tim, and I can't….it's so sad, but if this doesn't clear up, I'll be good when I get home, I hope!)

From the same people who brought you the "Name Mike's Car Competition*" and the "Name Mike's Plant Competition**" now comes the "Name Mike's Christmas Tree Competition"

Hurry!  we're only accepting votes until Wednesday:

Elliott Fir
Shenron the Destroyer
Tinsel Monger
Jingle Bells
Judy 'Garland'
Norton's Festivous Festoon
Patsy the Pine
Ploppy the Christmas tree
Gregor the Grand
Her Royal Highness, George William Mary the Third
Mr. Jingle-Jangle

Extra Bonus Vote:
Should the Christmas Tree's name include the suffix "the balm of Gilead"?

*Winner – Commodore Eli Ruth Triscuit Schmidtlap

**Winner – Norbert

Dear Santa…

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In November I got in line at the supermarket at the same time as someone else and I didn't yield (-8 points). Last Thursday I donated bone marrow to [info]tmaster in a life-saving procedure (300 points). Last month I gave [info]laugh434 a wet willie, then I took it back (-5 points). In October I had a shoot-out with rival gang lords on the 5 near LA (-76 points). In July I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points).

Overall, I've been nice (230 points). For Christmas I deserve a pony!


Write your letter to Santa! Enter your LJ username:

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