Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, check out Mars in 3-D (if you have the glasses)!

Amazing images of the crumbling mansions of drug lords:

This Advertising Life has a great post, that makes me laugh, every time I see it.

BuzzFeed shows you how to say goodbye to your coworkers.  By the way, I did not do this.

Awesome new iPhone app, it turns your phone into a light to make it safer to bike at night:

This is cool, a wall of animated blocks.

A fun concept mirror for graphic designers:

The Walkabout looks at the 6% experiment, pretty cool to read about.

If you read nothing else political today, read this very short story.  And learn who the real job creators are, and how to distract from that fact.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon!

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