Today's Mighty Oak

I’m working on getting more pictures up, including my massive collection from URU, so hopefully those will be up sometime in the foreseeable future.  But of course, probably not!

Did you know there are still tea parties going on?  I didn’t.  And apparantly there will be one on Wednesday at Boyce Park, at the ski lodge.  Good lord.

A new book is coming out, entitled Secular Sabotage: How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.  Fair enough.  However, as this article at Slog points out, I feel that someone is about to lose their job, since this quote appears on the dust jacket:

“Wake up, America! The secular minority has cut the brake cables on America’s In-God-We-Trust-Mobile™! Not even all 43 of our Christian presidents can save us now.” — Stephen Colbert, host of “The Colbert Report”

That makes me very happy.

Former Catholic bishop of Pittsburgh and now Archbishop of Washington, D.C. (which, I don’t think I knew there were such things as Archbishop…it’s a very impressive title) is on the crusade to stop marriage equality.  Which is nothing new from the Catholic Church, although I do have to say, the picture of him is a bit scary.

And in support of marriage equality comes this video from Ireland:

Which is very well put together, although I do have to confess, I can’t tell if Irish names are male or female most of the time.  Not that it matters, but to a dumb American like me, I feel like I’m missing at least something.  Oh well, moving on.

If you want to read the first chapter of the first of three parts of book 12 of the Wheel of Time (whew!), check out this post at Dragonmount.  The prologue will be available later for purchase as an e-book.  An interesting choice.  While Robert Jordan was alive, it was customary to  release the prologue before the book was released.  Interesting to see the change, I wonder if we’ll ever find out if it was deemed successful or not.

A new commercial is out there for the movie 9.  I can’t find it on youtube or else I’d post it here, but I am very excited for it.  If you want to see the short film it is based on, I’ll put that below.

That’s it for now, back to image editing for me!  Happy Labor Day!

Alright, here’s a regular update for everyone:

First off, if you didn’t see Dollhouse on Friday, check it out, and make sure to watch it next week (Fox at 9 p.m.):

Slate has been running a project called the Change-o-Meter.  I tried putting it in the sidebar, but it was too wide, I may play with it, but for now, I’ll post it in here every now and then:


My bookclub meets tomorrow, we’ve been reading “1000 White Women,” and it’s really good, I highly suggest you check it out if you want a historical fiction/alternate history book dealing with the Cheyenne Native Americans.

 In case you hadn’t heard, in Tuscon during the Super Bowl, the feed was interrupted by half a minute or so of porn.  Now, only people without digital cable saw it.  Now, the studio is offering a coupon to watch the movie for free.  Really funny, but the kicker is to watch the movie, you have to have digital cable.

The CEO of one of the major airlines in Japan broke down a wall in his office to make sure his employees would come talk to him, and he insists on only taking a $50,000 salary.  American companies could learn a lot from this man.

Note to self: learn how to grow these plants (for healthier air indoors)

FOX News turned a Press Release verbatim into a news story.  The problem (aside from the crap journalism that is FOX news and anyone for that matter that uses a Press Release verbatim) is the glaring error in said release.  See if you can find it (hint, it’s in the picture)

Black Cats will be advertising for FEAR 2 in England.  Pretty cool if you ask me, I hope we get them here as well, although I wouldn’t count on seeing any around Pittsburgh.  Also, I love the handlers for the cats, makes them look much more ferocious, and boosts their egos…which they don’t need!

OMG the galaxies are colliding!  No need to panic, we have two billion years to brace for impact.

Gizmodo has a great article about google searches, check it out!

If you’re on facebook, chances are you’ve seen and been tagged in the “25 things” meme.  Slate gathered data and found out some cool stuff about it, including that originally it was only “16 things”

Mozilla has a new web based text editor called Bespin.  I’m still trying to figure it out, but I’d like to give it a shot.

Following in the lines of the Japanese Airline CEO above, the Steelworkers Union is giving their bonuses to their unemployed members.  Great to hear this kind of news (the good part, not the fact that there are unemployed steel workers).

See those links up there, see the ones below this post?  I may not be able to link like that anymore.  At least if some corporations have their ways.  Links are what connects the web, what makes it work.  Read about the sad case and how companies are trying to stifle the web in this article.

My friend sent me this trailer for the movie 9:

That’s it for now, I ran some errands today, including finally getting my pictures from Sea Base 2002 on CD, so hopefully I’ll have them up here soon.  I’m most likely going to be changing hosts, the address will stay and same, and no one should see a difference, but I’ll be getting a ton more space for the same price.  And since I’m just about maxed out anyway, that would be a good thing so I can add more galleries.  Have a great one everybody!

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