Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, I’m back, have a couple bigger updates to get caught up after my month of writing a novel, so here we go.

First up, an awesome ad from Germany:

Slog shows off the Book Vending machine.

Waaaallllmmmmaaarrrrttttt cccccaaaarrrrreeeessss:

Need an emergency compliment, for yourself or someone else?  Click here.

The Whiskey Advent Calendar.  I don’t have anything to add to that, actually.

Awesome stunt by Best Buy on Black Friday:

I love Pantone, but even I think this is a little much.  But when you have to match colors, I guess you might as well go all out.

Anderson Cooper gets in an awesome burn on Twitter.  So fantastic and gratifying to read.

Let’s assume that this is in celebration of Movember:

And for some politics, guess what percentage of the popular vote Romney got.  No really, go ahead and guess.  You’ll never guess what percentage he got. AHAHAHAHA.

The Good Men Project breaks down what the electoral college map would have looked like had only white males voted, and MaddowBlog breaks down some other really cool maps as well the result of the gerrymandering that went on after the last census.

And if someone complains that the Democrats don’t care about the deficit, just show them this link.

Alright, another roundup of some of the coolest ads I’ve seen lately, let’s see what we’ve got:

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, a really cool webpage from Starbucks that allows you to look up referendum that are going on in your state this election.  Note to those in Pa: we got nothing.

But I do have to say to the House of Pa: WTF.  No seriously.  YOU WANT NEWBORN BABIES TO STARVE.  What is wrong with you?!

This is going around, I saw it from Betty Bowers, and of course, Santorum make an appearance:

Amazing take-downs of Ann Coulter.  Although I am loath to even mention it, I hate giving her any attention.

And President Obama takes down Ayn Rand.  Very well done.

But this will make you a smile, a fun radio ad airing in Minnesota.

And quite possibly the best tweet ever:

This has made me happy all day: “Not my problem” in Polish is “nie moj cyrk, nie moje malpy.” Literally “not my circus, not my monkey.”

— Howard Tayler (@howardtayler) October 24, 2012

So here is the first TV spot for The Hobbit:

Or if you’d rather learn about Middle Earth, check out the LotR statistics project.

Penguin and Random House are in talks to merge.  Not great for the publishing world, or readers.

This is really cool:

And finally, coming soon to The Nerdist channel on Youtube:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, we now know what the tubes of the Internet look like:

If you need some good sports news after the Lance Armstrong scandal, check out this touching story from The Good Men Project.

The Good Men Project also has a cool time-lapse video from the LA Times of the trip of the shuttle Endeavor.

Remember how the republicans have been shouting from the rooftops about voter fraud?  And remember how those who fight against something the most are normally committing it themselves?  Yeah, republicans are committing more voter fraud.

Romney is also possibly getting into the illegal by asking employers to tell their employees how to vote.

Here’s the Lego version of the space jump:

The big Seattle newspaper is giving away free political advertising, but only to one party.  They are stating it is to prove how effective their advertising is, so they can gain more business in the future.  Kind of strange, and throwing objectivity out the window.  Now, to be fair, they can throw it out the window, but then they can’t go back and claim to not have a bias.  Anyway, a good portion of their writers have signed on to a letter, saying the policy affects their journalistic integrity.

Ben Stein went on Fox news and told them that to fix the economy we have to tax the wealthy.  Also, I had no idea he didn’t believe in evolution.  Guess he isn’t as smart as I thought.

This has been floating around, a great response (from a fake CEO) about maxi pad commercials:

Marriage equality is on the ballot in four states (and I have friends in each one of those states), so here’s a reminder: instead of you know, helping the poor, as Jesus said, the Knights of Columbus spent over 15 million dollars fighting equality.  Guess you didn’t really need to help the sick either:

And lastly about politics, a play written by Dan Savage about Obamacare (via Twitter).

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Let’s see what we have today, first up Buzzfeed has a collection of awesome British billboards, I’m still partial to the first one.

This is just great:

If you didn’t catch it, the “NOT COOL, COOKIE” saga explained.

It’s funny because it’s true:

Are ads sexist?  Probably:

These cards are awesome, over sized umbrellas are the worst on city sidewalks!

Fun fact, two in five people would rather scrub toilets than change their passwords…hmmmm

I honestly don’t think this will work, but it’s still fun to watch:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon!

Alright, a larger update today, let’s see what we have today.

First up, today is the 25th Anniversary of The Princess Bride.  Tor has a great article about some little known facts.

J.K. Rowling may publish a new Harry Potter book, or go back and do “Director’s Cuts” of the series.

The best word ever?  Probably not, but a cool bracket:

Tuesday, October 9 on the CW.  Watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing A Long Blog.  And check out the promo.

Also from the Whedonverse, season 6 of the guild starts in a week:

I somehow got to the mobile site, but check out the new Rock the Vote, from Funny or Die.

PittGirl does a cool article about Pittsburgh clubs.  Check it out!

Copyranter also has some good ads for when you’re having a bad day:

And today’s politics news: Why voter ID is really voter suppression, but since Republicans in Florida are committing it, we should go police it.

This is awesome, and can be done with any magazine, presumably.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Real quick update today, first up, Copyranter has some of the best ad installations:

I think I posted about the flea one before, which is amazing.

And really, this guy is running for President?  I don’t think politicians should have Ph.D.s in physics, just some sort of common sense, please:

Update: Romney said it as a joke.  Thank goodness!  I guess the press is still working on understanding Mitt’s own dry sense of humor.  But here’s the big takeaway from the article,  he’s 65?  Really?  I’m a really bad judge of age, but I don’t think he looks 65, he looks much younger!

That’s it for now (see, real short), but I’ll be back soon.  Have a great one!

Another update today, let’s see what I’ve found today.

First up, Ellen envisions a political world in which the ads are kind.

Amazing, and crazy footage of a volcano:

A movie theater in London has employed ninjas to remind people of movie etiquette.  Awesome.

McDonalds is counting on the McRib to save Christmas.  I’m hoping we can turn that into a heartwarming children’s special, or something like that.

The popinator may actually become a real thing, believe it or not:

Social networks can actually help to encourage people to go out and vote.  Pretty awesome to see our online lives helping us to be politically involved.

Speaking of voting, it’s very vulgar (of course, it’s Sarah Silverman), but it’s important information:

And finally, it’s the same day as Homecoming, but I’d like to see it, Stewart and O’Reilley are going to do a live debate!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!  Have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, this is clever:

The woman who ruined a priceless fresco of Jesus, has a lawyer and wants money now that her creation is on display.

Want a sneak peak of the sequel to Angry Birds, Bad Piggies?  Click here for the details.

I’m really excited for this movie, and love the poster:

The Good Men Project has a great, heartwarming story about a bus driver, go read it and restore some of your faith in humanity!

I can’t embed it, but check out this cool video of an art project involving swings!

Need some recopies for beer milkshakes?  Man Made DIY has you covered.

So, Senate Republicans rejected a bill that would provide jobs for Veterans.  I don’t understand how anyone could be so awful.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, have a great one!

Note: This was mislabeled and unpublished from the back-end of the website, sorry about that!

Alright, let’s see what I have this time.  First up, some amazing ads from Greenpeace:

ABC has ordered a S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot, to be written by Joss Whedon, which is so incredible to hear!  But don’t worry, Captain Hammer is ready to help!

It’s funny and cute:

Sadly, a lot of Facebook Brand pages look like this.

If you’ve ever wondered what the layout to the apartments from The Big Bang Theory are, here they are (although I can’t imagine an actual building would have these kind of layouts, they strangely work well for TV:

What if a t-rex fought in WWII?  Find out here.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon!


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