Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have, first up, this amazing performance by the OSU marching band, the amount of cheering is awesome:

The Tom Hanks/Nerdist typewriter saga.

Since we can’t learn about his tax returns, we can instead, make stuff up.  Sounds legit.

And this is just asshatery at it’s finest.  Much like the owner of Papa John’s saying that if Obama is reelected he’ll have to raise pizza prices for his customers.

Angry Birds Star Wars is coming, and I’m excited.  Cautious, but excited:

PTSD is absolutely vicious, and the VA at best sometimes, seems incompetent.  Will this work, I’m not sure, but I hope it can at least bring some conversation to the table at the condition and how we can work together to support our veterans.

ManMade DIY has a flow chart on how to pick the perfect apple.

If it weren’t for all the tunnel construction (and my schedule), I would go to this play, looks pretty amazing!  And it’s done with Zunes!

I’m so glad that this is now a thing:

I don’t think it will work, sadly, but a valiant effort to have a reasonable conversation about gun violence.

This just confuses me, but I want to make one!

And if you haven’t read it, Chris Kluwe once again knocks it out of the park.  Or I guess I should use some sort of football analogy.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, this is clever:

The woman who ruined a priceless fresco of Jesus, has a lawyer and wants money now that her creation is on display.

Want a sneak peak of the sequel to Angry Birds, Bad Piggies?  Click here for the details.

I’m really excited for this movie, and love the poster:

The Good Men Project has a great, heartwarming story about a bus driver, go read it and restore some of your faith in humanity!

I can’t embed it, but check out this cool video of an art project involving swings!

Need some recopies for beer milkshakes?  Man Made DIY has you covered.

So, Senate Republicans rejected a bill that would provide jobs for Veterans.  I don’t understand how anyone could be so awful.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, have a great one!

First up, a couple social media updates.  First, the person responsible for the Red Cross’ twitter feed tweeted under that account, when he thought it was his personal account.  The result actually was a ton of people pledged to donate blood with some help from Dog Fish Beer.  Pretty cool to read about how a company dealt well with a faux pas.

And to follow up, Slog links to two maps: one here, the other here, to help you track the revolutions of the Middle East.

And here is the counter-argument about Twitter specifically not toppling governments:

I can’t tell if this is real or not, but this could only happen via the Internet:

Here is a great list of awesome flyers.  One of my favorites:

We went out last night for a friend’s birthday, and what has become somewhat of a tradition, there was a lot of Bacon on Dana’s fries.  So in honor of that, I give you this amazing chart.

Take a look at this, it’s really cool to watch.  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an older version of this as a TED talk, but this is way cooler:

Have you played Angry Birds?  If so, check out the letters home from the Pigs, really funny!

And this is just cool, check it out:

BuzzFeed has an amazing infographic about Girl Scout Cookies that is just giant, so go check it out.  Also, I really miss the Lemon Coolers, they were great!

Okay, one more video:

Nah, I lied, here’s a new original from Funny or Die, the premise basically started in PA:

Daily Kos has an interesting article about Republicans and reproductive health

Okay, that’s it for now, but I’ll be back later with more, have a great one!

With all the hub-bub about horoscopes lately, Information is Beautiful put together two meta horoscopes: The most common words in each zodiac sign, and one giant, to-rule-them-all horoscope.

I’m going to have to approve of this.  Apparently, it is going to be marketed to the outdoor crowd, which makes it perfect for hiking trips:

Deadspin has a great letter exchange from Cleveland that you should read.

And lastly, never fear, you’re not a horrible person for being addicted to Angry Birds, it’s in your DNA!

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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