Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, the stories behind the names of Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods.

The stories within stories: the fictional books we wished were real.

The recurring jokes of Arrested Development.

New Looney Tunes are coming to HBO Max and this is making me want to subscribe:

The PG (granted, it’s become a right-wing rag on the editorial side) has a neat interactive site about the bridges of Pittsburgh. Note this may be behind a paywall, I think it was one of my three free articles when I read it.

Dolly Parton secretly executive produced Buffy! And we just now found this out!

A DM and a set designer created a DnD adventure in a dresser! Each drawer is new level of the dungeon!

We’ve all been doing a lot of virtual exploration of place, and the British Museum recently revamped their online collections.

Speaking of, need some peace in your life? Check out the livestream of the Northern Lights!

Because there is such a need for blood right now, the FDA has reluctantly allowed itself to accept blood from gay men, as long as we don’t have sex for three months. They still don’t want our blood, but they realize they need it.

The Atlantic has a great piece about pandemic fatigue, how we should approach it both in ourselves and others. The article also covers the similarities between COVID and the HIV pandemic: they’re very, very similar, just on a different time scale. Be kind to yourself and others, be as smart and safe as you can.

Also in Pandemic related content, CGP Grey’s new video about it. While I will disagree, I think that for many, just surviving is enough (instead of creation of coming out ‘better’ in some way), this video has great tips about how to survive our new reality:

Dumb Runner, The Onion of running, hits it on the head: Local runner cancels backyard marathon, refuses to offer refund.

New research shows that Antarctica used to be a rain forest. Global tectonics and climate history really are awesome!

The voice of Big Thunder Mountain looks exactly how you think he does. And that is comforting.

The trailer for the new Netflix show ‘Hollywood” looks really fun:

Myst is set to become a TV Series….for the third (?) time. I’m excited, but will believe it when I see it.

Slog has great coverage of the white privilege of protesting stay at home orders. Worth a read.

An artist created a chandelier that forms as it collects rain water, and it’s beautiful!

That’s it for today, but I’ll be back soon, have a great one!

Okay, back for some more clearinghouse items.

Check out this awesome article about the two ATMs that are in Antarctica.  Pretty awesome.

Here’s two recut trailers for you.  First, Seinfeld as a thriller movie:

And Arrested Development as an action movie:


This is something I feel that my friends would do, and I kind of love it, as it reminds me of Kingdom of Loathing.  Ladies and gentleman, the Baby Seal pinata:

Did you know that Jerry Springer ran for governor?  I didn’t, and this is an awesome ad:

This has been floating around for a bit now, but I have to ask.  A blue cape?  Really?

In case you hadn’t noticed, YouTube has been blocked in part of Russia.  Bad Russia!

I wonder what they would say about this (Republicans blocked the passage of a bill that would extend benefits to emergency personnel from September 11th):

Also, if Weiner would run with Grayson from Florida, I honestly don’t know what I would do, I would just move and work on their campaign for free.

The FDA just approved Stem Cell trials, which is pretty awesome, I can’t wait to see what will come out of this.

Is it possible to embed Facebook videos?  If it is, I can’t figure it out.  Anyway, check out a rare moment of downtime in the Keystone office.

This story has been floating around, and That’s Church has been covering it as well, but it’s still funny: Kings of Leon cancel show after being pooped on by pigeons.

And finally, I have to disagree with this article, Dollhouse figured it out by using Active Architecture.  And then by not needing that Architecture.  Maybe I’ll just stay in denial, that sounds like a good idea.

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