Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have, first up, this amazing performance by the OSU marching band, the amount of cheering is awesome:

The Tom Hanks/Nerdist typewriter saga.

Since we can’t learn about his tax returns, we can instead, make stuff up.  Sounds legit.

And this is just asshatery at it’s finest.  Much like the owner of Papa John’s saying that if Obama is reelected he’ll have to raise pizza prices for his customers.

Angry Birds Star Wars is coming, and I’m excited.  Cautious, but excited:

PTSD is absolutely vicious, and the VA at best sometimes, seems incompetent.  Will this work, I’m not sure, but I hope it can at least bring some conversation to the table at the condition and how we can work together to support our veterans.

ManMade DIY has a flow chart on how to pick the perfect apple.

If it weren’t for all the tunnel construction (and my schedule), I would go to this play, looks pretty amazing!  And it’s done with Zunes!

I’m so glad that this is now a thing:

I don’t think it will work, sadly, but a valiant effort to have a reasonable conversation about gun violence.

This just confuses me, but I want to make one!

And if you haven’t read it, Chris Kluwe once again knocks it out of the park.  Or I guess I should use some sort of football analogy.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Couple update for you guys, let’s see what we have:

First up, did you know that Bradley Manning was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?  Pretty awesome, especially the write up.

Since we finally have some snow (I’ve been singing Christmas Carols for a few days now), check out Snow Henge (via Copyranter):

Also from Copyranter, the village of Hobbiton in New Zealand is no inhabited by sheep, and the “best” ad campaigns of all time.  No real way to to judge “best,” although they are all iconic and important in their own ways.

The Ottawa library system is starting a “Human library” feature, where you can interview people of interest for 20 minute blocks.  This is an awesome idea, I really need to get a passport and head to Ottawa, this is just remarkable!

CPAC is an annual conservative conference, and sadly, one of the most hate-filled events of the year.  Speaking of, this year, they invited (and later refused to renounce) a white supremacy speaker.  Maddow covers it here and Slog covers it here.  Disgusting.

I’ve been following the birth control debate, although not as close as I probably should have.  Reproductive health coverage is a part of health coverage, and I think it should be included (and maybe we’ll get some advances in men’s reproductive health while we’re at it).  It’s about setting a basic standard of health, which the government is saying employers are saying they must provide.  That being said, I was upset that he backed down from the Catholic Church, but will still get the same result anyway, by instead putting the onus on the insurance companies, not the employers.  So I guess in the end, it worked out, I Just hate setting the precedent that one religious denomination can dictate government health coverage decisions.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

I’m heading to Fort Wayne for Practice Thanksgiving, but before I go, I wanted to pass on a few things.

It’s a bit over the top at the end, but it’s a great trailer.  It does remind me why I’m so scared of public protests, how crazy and violent they can get.  And yes, it’s a bit one sided, and it itself is probably propogating hate, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, I just don’t know where it is:

Disney is working on a new game, Epic Mickey.  It looks dark and creepy and all kinds of cool.  Even cooler: they traded an ESPN sportscaster for the rights to the villian…in 2006.  Apparantly it’s been in development for that long.  Hopefully it lives up to the hype.

If you’re not watching Glee, shame on you.  And besides, Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode!

The picture of the Pope at this article is frightening.  But really?  I find it very uncalled for, and quite frankly, detremental to any kind of honest eccumenical dialogue.  Rowan Williams was suprised, but I think is handling it fairly well, for this to come out of left field at least.  Shame on you Pope.  Andrew Sullivan examines it here.  My favorite line:

Now recall that the celibacy requirement has clearly contributed to the decline of the church in the US and the West and has led indirectly to the sexual abuse problems of screwed up celibates. Why would the Vatican make an exception for Anglicans but not for, you know, Catholics?

And he chimes in again here:

For now, however, it seems an almost baldly political move, made at a pace more reminiscent of modern politics and public relations than the traditional ecclesiastical creaking of the wheels. That is troubling to me. Churches are supposed to be about eternal truths and freedom of conscience, not what amounts to an unfriendly take-over bid for a franchise.

And it does not seem to have occurred because of some deep resolution of the theological disputes between Anglicans and Catholics, but merely by a shared abhorrence of women priests and openly gay ones. If you want to switch churches, prejudice seems a pretty poor reason for doing so. But this is so sudden it will take some time to absorb and it’s a little hard to take in. Stay tuned.

Fresh on the heels of “Blame it on the Girls,” comes the new video from Mika, “Rain.”  Watch it here.

I first saw this video a few months ago.  It is heartfelt, moving, and short, so there is no reason not to watch it.  It’s making a huge resurgance right now since marriage equality is on the ballot in Maine:

These photos made me smile.  A lot.  Take old war photos…and add superheros.  My favorite:

A few days old by this point, but crazy local politics.  This is a direct quote from one of our elected officials in an e-mail calling veterans traitors for working against global warming:

Remember Benedict Arnold before giving credibility to a veteran who uses their service as a means to promote a leftist agenda. Drill Baby Drill!!!

I can get behind him saying whatever he wants, however big of an asshat he wants to be.  However, when you end an e-mail with that many exclimation points, as well as the phrase “drill baby drill” I will laugh.  A lot.  Then weep for the state of politics.

Bad AT&T, bad!  Don’t do that!

I was given a link to information is beautiful, and I love it!  If you love charts and graphs, you probably will too.

Ok, that’s all I have for now.  I have a lot more to go through, but I should get some sleep before packing tomorrow.  Have a great one everybody!

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