Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update for everyone, I”ll be back with much more very soon as well.

First up, this is just adorable, so if you’re having a bad day, prepare for it to turn around:

Stunning art made from plastic water bottles, you can see more pics here.

Also from Copyranter, an awesome ad for seatbelts and an incredible series for Child Abuse Awareness.  He also has a cool ad buy for an S&M shop, but no one in Pittsburgh would have seen these, you don’t hit the bottom of the ketchup bottle, you smack the ’57’ near the neck with the heel of your hand.

 I never even thought of this, but of course, it’s amazing:

Slog has a great post, “Band Names that double as ways I would want to die.”  My favorite: Trampled by Turtles.

This chart is made from data collected this May (2012).  Sigh.

And finally from Nerdist and PBS, a primer on 8-bit art:

That’s it for now, be back soon!


Couple things to pass on today, let’s see what I’ve found:

First up, FreddeGredde is back with a new compilation, this time of video game music:

Copyranter takes a look at the Polo logo in the future:

Maddow Blog takes on the argument that the federal budget is the same as a household budget.

And in her latest Random n’at, Ginny (today’s title comes from That’s Church) has the best fake album art ever (fake band too):


That’s it for today, have a great one!

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