Alright, first up, Reddit did some great work when they spammed (and then automated) Kellogg’s systems when they were trying to hire scabs during the strike.
Stephen Colbert celebrated The Fellowship of the Ring’s 20th anniversary with an amazing rap tribute!
The James Webb Space Telescope successfully launched (and now deployed). It will take about six months to get to it’s location, but it was so cool waking up on Christmas to watch the launch!
And just remember, life is precious, unless it’s not. A video from one of my favorite drag queens:
Thank you, to Garfunkle and Oates for hitting it out of the park with this song:
This makes me laugh, but it’s what we deal with all the time. A person makes some bigoted remark about how he thinks gay people are going to hell and then gets all upset when the pushback happens. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Let’s talk about gun control. Thankfully, America’s Best Christian, Betty Bowers is here to have the conversation:
In case you forgot, PA state Rep (from north of Pittsburgh, so not my elected official) Daryl Metcalfe is a bigoted, misogynistic,, racist waste of oxygen. He’s also been single handedly holding up the bills that would give me some equal rights in the Commonwealth.
And Jeff Sessions rescinded other protections for all members of the queer community. These are things that affect people you love. Be fucking pissed.
Okay, quick pallet cleanser. The new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey takes the form of a Big Band musical number:
After the horrific shooting in Vegas, just a reminder that your thoughts and prayers do jack shit. We need comprehensive gun control in this country, including a rescinding of the second amendment.
It boggles my mind that it takes something personally happening to someone for them to take action. It is not that hard to actually think about other people and try to imagine a better world for them, as well as yourself. But, predictably, when gun violence is close to a gun fanatic, suddenly, he realizes his mistake. It infuriates me that it takes a tragedy like this for him to realize how wrong he is, but hey, at least he came around I guess. I just won’t be patting him on the back for his sudden realization.
A Dutch news program takes on (with dark humor) the insanity that we live with here in the US:
Stranger Things 2 (or the second season, not sure what to call it) looks amazing:
The president rolls back the mandate for birth control under health care, because he wants to drive up abortion rates, the cost of healhtcare and get rid of preventative medicine. Just kidding, he’s a racist and since it is both something Obama put into place and a GOP wet-dream, it’s gone.
And I’ll just drop this here, the 10 things you need to know about Patriotism:
NPH is going to be playing Hedwig on Broadway, and I need to go and see that. If you’re unfamiliar with “Hedwig and the Angry Inch,” it’s the love story only made possible by a back alley castration in East Berlin before the fall of the wall. Seriously.
And America’s Best Christian, Betty Bowers is back:
That’s it for now, see, really short! Have a great one!
Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, is back! And now she’s addressing the masses:
Catholic Vandals in France destroyed “Piss Christ.” I’m not familiar with the work, but apparently it’s quite famous. They assaulted a guard and attacked the photo with an ice pick, which just sounds viscous. It always makes me sad to see art destroyed.
A few months ago, Gawker redesigned their family of sites, and they are horrible to try to navigate now. Here’s a graph of their traffic, can you guess when the redesign went live:
It’s nice to see the Democrats actually go on the offensive for once, and the ad is a lot of fun (if not sad):
Also in politics, remember the phrase that those who protest the loudest against [insert any cause] are usually actually personally involved in [cause]. See: Larry Craig, et al. Well, the Tea Party member of the state congress of Montana who tried to removed all equality for LGBT citizens? Yeah, she’s a lesbian. When will politicians learn that this pattern is clear?
Want to see something fun and cute? Check out Cute Roulette. It’s like Chat Roulette, but with (presumably) no penises, just lots of baby animals!
You’ll have to excuse me while I laugh. Considering he is the man who after a rant of anti-Semitic slurs called a cop “Sugar Tits,” Mel Gibson has the gall to say he has never treated anyone badly, and certainly not for their religion or gender!
Alright everyone, I have a lot of stuff to post again, so bear with me.
First off, Dollhouse went off the air two weeks ago, I’m still sad about it, but I highly suggest you watch it on DVD (skip the first few episodes of Season 1 and start with “Man on the Street”), in case you’re wondering here’s what you missed (spoilers, obviously):
Priya’s painting from season one was auctioned off for over $6,000, all going to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. And io9 recaps why we’ll miss Dollhouse, and it’s an excellent read.
But luckily, Lost is back. Here’s what you missed the first five seasons:
And here are Newsweek staffers who have never seen Lost trying to explain what’s going on:
A new series of books is going to be published via Geocaching. I saw an updated interview with the author, and he’s trying to spread them all over the globe, pretty cool, but kind of impractical. Also, I don’t seem very interested in the books themselves. Oh well.
Thankfully, PG+ has more than 35 members. And by the way, it’s awesome! I’ll be writing about it over at Metblogs pretty soon I hope.
Thanks Supreme Court:
I’m not sold on the iPad, if it was open to more than just the app store, I think I would get one, but right now, I don’t think it’s worth it. Check out Slog’s coverage of it, icnluding this gem of a sentence:
UPDATE: Post edited and cleaned up, because I was drunk.
Pensblog has an awesome guide to hockey fans. Check it out here. And the game is still going on tonight but the doors open early at 6 p.m.
One of the guys I work with is the Mayor of North Irwin! I call him Mr. Mayor now. Apparently the city council just fights a lot, so I want to get a group from work to show up with posters and bells like at a little league game or something. I think it would be fun. Also, as I like to mention, he won by 23 votes: mandate of the people!
NPR has a great article about the passage of time, and how we perceive it as we age. Check it out.
Rob Tisinai is back, his videos are articulate, well researched, and just all around amazing:
The Don’t Ask Don’t Tell hearings continue on. Want to see McCain absolutely owned? Check out this link. Not that he’ll change his stance, but it’s great to see nonetheless. Here’s more reactions to the hearings.
This is pretty awesome, and I think Pat would really dig it:
I commented earlier about the first legal male prostitute, and how he, ahem, compared himself to Rosa Parks. Yeah, he’s not bright at all. Well, the New York Post partook in his services (not all of them), check it out, but be ready to laugh a lot, and barf.
And if that didn’t enrage you enough, check out these three links about the “relief work” Scientologists are doing in Haiti. Disgusting. Because Haiti doesn’t need food or water, no, they need machines to con them into thinking they have dead alien spirits inside them. If you’re still looking for something to do to help, look no further than Savage Love, Facebook, and an awesome idea.
I like the ads, especially the first one, a lot. However, I do have to agree, I won’t be taking marriage advise from Utah thankyouverymuch. Also, the comments are a great read!
Want to commemorate the recent snow, get the t-shirt (I also suggest the map of Pittsburgh shirt):
That’s all I have for now, I have more, but I need to take a break, this has been a long post, but I’m almost all caught up! Catch everyone in a little bit!