Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, Randy Rainbow is back with the Cell Block Tango:

The new president of Nintendo of America is named…Bowser.

A puppy gets emotional over the death of Mufasa in The Lion King.

Kim Davis must pay the victims of her bigotry, a court has ruled.

I had no idea there is a new biopic about JRR Tolkien coming out! See the trailer here.

Postmodern Jukebox takes on Pinky and the Brain.

And finally, the trailer from the Super Bowl for Avengers: Endgame:

Alright, let’s see what we have today, it’s a fairly short update.

First up, what we witnessed on Friday, while showing the absolute strength, resolution and power of women and sexual abuse survivors, was, all-in-all, one of the most heinous things concocted by the Republicans in the 242 year history of this country, and that is saying something.  Don’t forget to take some time for yourself and self-care, and if you need help, reach out.

A priest in Chicago defied the Archdiocese and performed an ‘exorcism’ of a Pride flag, burning it.  A reminder, the Catholic Church is a hate group, full stop.

There’s a new trailer for the next Fantastic Beasts movie:

Google celebrated Mister Rogers this week with a wonderful Doodle!

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, here we go again:

Couple newspaper updates.  First, McSweeney declares that the newspaper is the best e-Reader, bendable paper-thin screens have been invented and the Chicago Tribune tries their hand at a special, long-form intensive edition for Sundays.  Kind of like the early news websites.

Celebrities talk with IGN about their favorite Star Wars characters.

Click here to watch 35 movies in 2 minutes, pretty awesome.

Check out the second part of the strangest sights in Google Earth.  I’m surprised more companies haven’t followed the lead of number six.

I can’t add anything to this:


And, there’s a twin site to Stonehenge.


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