Alright, first up, Reddit did some great work when they spammed (and then automated) Kellogg’s systems when they were trying to hire scabs during the strike.
Stephen Colbert celebrated The Fellowship of the Ring’s 20th anniversary with an amazing rap tribute!
The James Webb Space Telescope successfully launched (and now deployed). It will take about six months to get to it’s location, but it was so cool waking up on Christmas to watch the launch!
And just remember, life is precious, unless it’s not. A video from one of my favorite drag queens:
So, in case you were under a rock this week, two big cases were argued before the Supreme Court. So of course, there’s all kinds of media coverage. Here’s a few select bits that hit it out of the park.
I’ll be back with more, I’ve been watching a lot of analysis and clips, and it’s a lot to sort through. We’ll find out in June how the Supreme Court will rule (and I have some ideas, but they’re just guesses).
How many live in the eight leastpopulated states? Less than 3 percent. Three percent — also known as the margin of error. (Which raises a terrifying scenario: It’s possible these states are completely empty.)
Copywranter takes on free condom ads, which, since I’m a twelve year old, made me giggle. He also looks at century old predictions from 1911.
The previously known as Colbert Super PAC, Building a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, is now the Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Super PAC, as he ramps up his campaign in South Carolina. Awesome. Make sure to check out their first ad.
Saw this a bit ago, on a fun note, I have the backpacking stove they feature in it. Pretty awesome:
In drug-related news, Pot smokers have healthier lungs than cigarette smokers, and some people are claiming that the drug-war is killing more than alcohol or guns. While I don’t agree with that based on the data presented, the war on drugs is still a colossal waste of time, money and resources.
Washington State is posed to have marriage equality (two votes short in their state senate), and as expected, the Catholic Church is butting into civil rights and urging citizens to oppose it. Slog has a great rebuttal technique.
Wizards of the Coast is working on the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and it’s being partially crowd sourced, which is kind of awesome. The New York Times writes about it here.
I love Fleury, a whole lot. Here’s him and Sid talking about the snow (which I realize is ridiculous on at least three levels, but hey, it’s fun):
Speaking of Fleury and Sid, Olympics! Here’s what Slate suggested you watch if you watch just one thing a day. A really funny read (and I apologize in advance for the tardiness of all the Olympic articles, I got so caught up in the games that I didn’t write about them). And here is their awesome Sap-O-Meter. I’ll give you a hint, NBC is really sappy, and generally, awful at covering the Olympics.
I don’t know what’s going on in this picture, but we are seeing Bob Costas outside of his living room, so it’s got to be a plus. Also, Colbert! Make sure you watch this video that I’m not allowed to embed. Stupid NBC.
Slate also takes a stab at the biathalon. Awesome read, which just helps me galvanize my mindset that it’s a weird sport. I have more respect for it, but it’s weird.
I’m thinking it may not be actually from Verizon, but this is an awesome blend of nostalgia and current technology:
This might be one of my new favorite sites, someone watching season six of Lost, who has never seen it. It’s worth it just for the drawings!
And the healthcare debate rages on, it’s a few days old, but still worth a watch. Rachel Maddow is, of course, amazing:
A gut wrenching blog entry over at PG+, if you’re a subscriber, check out the link. If not, consider signing up! And I know I’ve promised to talk about it over at Metblogs, and I still am planning on doing that, I promise!
A great follow up to the video clips I posted before about the phrase “fucking retard.” As in, “Sarah Palin is a fucking retard.”
I’ve been really, really excited about the return of URU. To help you get into the Myst spirit, check out this awesome online fan project – Myst and Riven books! And in related news, over a million people are now playing D&D online, probably because it’s free (with some premium content). Maybe we’ll see a lot of interest in URU! We can only hope!
The Onion does a great job, and maybe humor is what we need in the discussion, but marriage equality is serious. Don’t believe me? Try filing taxes as a same-sex couple.
What is Wes Anderson directed Spider Man? Oh yes:
Cool ad that was apparently really effective, although the price must be really big, and installation I’m sure was a pain:
Alright, here we go again, except now instead of Uganda, it’s also Rwanda.
My mind exploded a little bit when I saw this:
As always, xkcd is awesome, and now I’m going to have to go bang my head against a wall.
Um, this is awesome:
I always forget that the cookie table is a Pittsburgh thing. The NY Times covered it, check out the article here.
Also, I first heard that they were making a Robin Hood movie a few days ago. And here’s the trailer, I feel as though more things should be turned around that quickly (at least in my head):