Today's Mighty Oak

More fun goodness from my many RSS feeds and around the Net, let’s see what I’ve found today:

First up, there’s this:

First up, Top Men over at whoba! have some great posts.  First up, living room projection mapping, followed by architectural projection mapping, and finally The Eyes Have it.

This looks fun:

And a whole bunch of stuff that comes courtesy of Copyranter:

The bastardization of corporate logos by using Comic Sans.

Amazing save the animals ads:

Wonder Bra lets you bungee jump in front of a giant ad of theirs, amazing photo op:


Cool spot from FedEx:

Amazing ad that was put up for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Not sure how much air time it got on TV, but I hope it got a lot!


I don’t think I’d want to be the one taunting the cat with the food, but cool to watch:

Amazing (accidental) optical illusion:


I feel as though something’s wrong here.  And it’s a shame:

Big 3-D street art by Reebok:

Everyone’s favorite (or favorite to hate) Kiwi church is back at it, check out their new billboard here.

 Well now it makes sense:


I’m a lawyer, I’m on a billboard”  Click through only if you want your mind to explode.

And finally, an stunning bus ad:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back real soon with more!


So, as much as it pains me to write, if you read something in Comic-Sans, you’re more prone to comprehend and remember.  Because it is harder to read, people concentrate more, therefore retaining more information:

What this means is that Comic Sans may be hideous, but it has its place in the world besides angry screeds by the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. If you’re a student and your professor starts to put material in funky fonts, you’ll know why.

Second item, is the Westboro Baptist Church, the group that everyone can get together to despise, was given air time on the radio in Tuscon for agreeing not to picket the funeral of the nine year old that died in the shooting.

On one hand, I like that they won’t be at the funeral, and I doubt that very many people will listen to their broadcast.  It was a smart move by the radio station.  If people do listen, they get the ratings.  If people don’t, no one hears their hateful message.

However, giving airtime to those wackos is never good, so that is saddening.

I’m not saying I have a better solution (although I do like how they bring communities to together to find new and interesting ways to counter protest them), of course it would be better if they just weren’t around.

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