I’ll be back with my own video soon, but in the meantime, two end of the year videos to share.
First up, the Google Year in Search:
And DJ Earworm’s United States of Pop:
I’ll be back with my own video soon, but in the meantime, two end of the year videos to share.
First up, the Google Year in Search:
And DJ Earworm’s United States of Pop:
It’s been a year. But at least we got some videos to celebrate its end!
Here is DJ Earworm’s United State of Pop:
And a bonus from DJ Earworm, all the top songs from 1970 to 2020:
And of course, the year in search from Google, always a great/tough one to watch:
I’ll be back with my own end of the year wrap-up(s) soon!
We’re just a short bit into 2020, so it’s time for a quick look back at 2019 and a look ahead. I’m working on finishing up my year in review video for 2019 (as well as 2018), so those will be done soon. In the meantime, here are the two that I really enjoyed, first up from Google:
And secondly, the year in music from DJ Earworm:
As I have done the last few years, I like to make resolutions at my birthday, not the new year, but I have a few, very attainable, things I’d like to work on this year:
Happy new year, everyone: may it be better!
Alright, we’re halfway through NaNoWriMo, so a quick break for me to write here.
Comparing a decade of music with DJ Earworm:
Here’s my thought. Michael Bloomberg is going to enter the race just so he can more easily spend money on campaign ads or get around Facebook ad guidelines or something, but he’ll use his fortune to support whoever the Dem candidate is. But who knows if I’ll be right.
I’ve seen this done before with bagpipes, and I love that this trend continues, this time with saxophones!
The trailer for the Star Wars IX:
USA Hockey is adding an indefinite suspension penalty for players using racist or homophobic language.
Trojan is running an awesome campaign about comprehensive sex ed and combating slut-shaming of all forms.
And finally, the trailer for the new season of The Crown:
Each year I pull together the year in review videos that I see, and don’t worry, I am working on my own year in review video (although it might come out a few days after the New Year).
First up, the amazing video from Google:
DJ Earworm returns with his mashup of the year:
And here is this year’s Youtube Rewind, which, I really actually don’t like that much, mostly because there are only a very small few of these creators that I recognize and watch, but it’s still kind of fun:
Alright, here we go, the big year in review post. First up, DJ Earworm’s United State of Pop:
Next up, a great review of the year by The Onion:
This year, Google’s Zeitgeist is really short, but still very good:
Also really short this year, is JibJab’s year in review:
Youtube’s Rewind was really good this year:
And lastly, instead of putting together a slide show for the camp staff kids, I didn’t want to let the music go to waste, so I’m starting a new tradition. Here’s a look at my life in 2013, all the adventures, friends and people that inspired me, hope you like it:
Here’s to a great 2014!
I’ve already posted Google’s Zeitgeist, and there are two others I always look forward to, although this year I’m adding a fourth.
First up,
DJ Earworm’s mashup of the biggest pop hits of the year:
And next, JibJab’s year in review:
And adding to the yearly rotation, YouTube’s Rewind:
That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more, have a great one!
DJ Earworm’s mix finally hit today:
This is spreading pretty quickly, as many people were waiting for it, so if you haven’t seen it, enjoy the annual mash-up of the top 25 Billboard Pop Hits: