Today's Mighty Oak

Let’s see what we have today.  First up, this amazing Samsung ad from the Winter Olympics featuring (my fake boyfriend) Gus Kenworthy:

A drag queen dressed as Elsa single handedly pushed a police van out of the snow in Boston.

Emma Gonzales, one of the Parkland survivor, discusses how being bi has influenced her gun violence activism.

And here is Ben Platt and Lin-Manuel Miranda performing their song “Found Tonight” which benefited the March for Our Lives:

Here is the duo performing it at the march itself.

There’s going to be a ‘music only’ cut of The Last Jedi.

Speaking of The Last Jedi, Laura Dern said ‘pew’ every time she shot her blaster.

There’s a new trailer for the next Fantastic Beasts movie.  And the upcoming Avengers movie.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?:

All of Wes Anderson’s protagonists ranked by how quirky they are.

Alright, let’s see what we have today, a bit of a longer update, and lots of videos:

Because it’s a shit show, the president’s newest judicial nominee thinks trans* kids are part of ‘Satan’s plan.’

In the spirit of Halloween, the Internet thinks that Pennywise and the Babbadook should date.  Awwwww.

The new Wes Anderson movie:

Need a game to play to unwind?  Play some font games!

Pittsburgh gets its own Drag Queen Story Hour!

Netflix sends an awesome “Stranger Things” cease and desist letter.

Birds made into a musical composition:

David S. Pumpkins will return!

Billy Crystal is right, Miracle Max and Valerie do need their own spin off!

The new trailer for The Punisher is intense:

Wesley Woods is interviewed about him calling out the white privilege of a certain gay porn actor.

The Satanic Temple is amazing.  They have announced that if the current prevails and bakers can deny gay couples wedding cakes, they’ll demand cakes for Satan.  Because religious freedom.

You guys, the floor is lava.  No really, THE FLOOR IS LAVA:

In good news, the US Census will add back in a question about sexual orientation, reversing the decision to effectively erase LGBT citizens (and any possibility of funding for resources).

The superintendent at an Air Force prep school said, in no uncertain terms, that racism has no place in his school.

I don’t have Amazon Prime, but I listen to this podcast, I’m super excited it’s being turned into a show:

Edie Windsor, who recently died, was known for her fight for marriage equality.  But she was also a computer science whiz!

An Australian pizza shop trolls the anti-gay billboard next to it.  However, I disagree, pineapple can go on pizza!

This is the trailer for a zombie Christmas musical that legit looks amazing:

Russell Tovey, of Looking, fame, will play The Ray in the Arrowverse.

Dale Hansen, sportcaster from Texas known for his amazing viral videos, does it again.

The federal government is set to argue that gay workers should not have any workplace protections, although they’ll be arguing this against other parts of the federal government.  This is a hugely important case, and one that I’m worried about.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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