Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, Mark Hamill pays tribute to Carrie Fisher in a wonderful way.  Joe Manganiello remembers the time she glitter bombed him.

This optical illusion is blowing my mind!

USA Today did not hold any punches when writing an editorial about Drumpf.

Jessica Jones is coming back, and I”m very excited:

We have a new chapter of Harry Potter!  Kind of.  Not really

DeRay McKesson is suing FOX news after being constantly slandered, good for him.

2 Political Junkies has an amazing icon of Darlene Harris, Defender of Faith and and Small, Noncompliant creches.

Did you know Wikipedia has a list of individual dogs?  They’re all very good boys.

A great take on being gay for the holidays:

In horrifying legal news, SCOTUS has declined to hear a case about employment discrimination, leaving a split in circuit court decisions.  This will be the followup to the Masterpiece Cakeshop case.

Also in bad news for us, gay people are more likely to have trouble sleeping.  But some good news, we tend to have happier relationships.

More scientific evidence about why some people are born gay, and the correlation to having older brothers.

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright let’s see what we have today. First up, I’m really hoping I can figure out a way to go see this, but here is the first poster of NPH as Hedwig.

A huge chart of beer. Freaking huge.

Chris Christie, Governor of NJ, is a giant asshole.  He’s on the record stating that if one of his kids was gay, he would tell them they had no right to get married.  No, I take that back, he’s not an asshole, he’s a fucking monster.

A medal was struck to commemorate Pope Francis’s first year and it quotes Lesus. Yep, they misspelled Jesus.

In case you forgot, Pat Robertson is a raging, evil asshole.  And Ccn we all just agree that Pat Robertson is just really reaching for ratings at this point?

In case you missed it, Firefly is coming back as a comic!

My favorite Halloween costume:  

On Jupiter and Saturn, it rains diamonds.

I’m not sure what’s going on with Vogue UK, but if you put in the Konami code, you see a raptor.  Seriously.

This is such a tragic and sad story.  Get the Kleenex ready.

A new kind of horror movie:

Also in the spirit of Halloween, living with Jigsaw.

Jessica Chobot is coming back to the Internet, this time on The Nerdist!

A statistic that will shock no one with a brain: when funding for mental health goes down, suicides go up.

The big Disney songs from our childhood:

The headline is a bit ridiculous, but still not cool.  But of course, it’s Fox News, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone.

I’ve never really trusted the ads using Google autocomplete, only because it’s so easy to manipulate, or even photoshop.  But the UN is doing a campaign to highlight LGBT issues.

That’s it for now, I’m not sure if the Youtube Videos are going to work, they’ve been a bit wonky lately (as has the whole site, actually).  They’ll be some big updates coming next year (when the new version of Joomla is released), so we’ll just stick it out until then.  Hopefully!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, it’s like the Humble Bundle, but for books!  Pretty cool

For all those children of the 80s, I choose to believe that this did work, even though science says it doesn’t:

Well this is absolutely infuriating.  And so is this.  And this is so scary, and yet another reminder why we need the Affordable Care Act.

But this is awesome, the mayor of Phoenix tries to live on food stamps, to better connect with those in his city.

The Information is Beautiful awards have been announced, check them out here.

Google has unveiled google maps for the coral reefs:

Fox News and the WSJ areboth wrong about climate change.  Raise your hand if you’re surprised.  No one?

And if you haven’t seen it before, the best animal photo bomb ever:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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