Today's Mighty Oak

Couple quick things for everyone, more coming later.

First up, the definitive explanation of The Crown:

Hot on the heels of The Super Bowl, and really any professional sporting event:

We knew he was coming back, and here it is.  I think the fondu (which for the life of me, and spell check, I can’t write out correctly) was a nice touch:

This bottle sounds amazing, but I don’t really need any more, but maybe a reader is in the market.  Also, if you don’t read UpaDowna, it’s a fun site!

Again, Bill O’Reilly is a moron.  I can’t stress this enough.  Check out the background here, a bunch of fun photos here, including my favorite:

Did you know that The Pope can’t donate his organs?  Because that’s helpful.  Can we stop calling Catholics pro-life soon?

This looks amazing, and I kind of want to do it:

Rachel Maddow has a great post about what to do with the empty House chamber, since you know, they aren’t doing much.

If you’ve read Blink (I need to) or Tipping Point (I have), check out the Malcolm Gladwell book generator.

Check out this awesome map of good beer.  Also, poor Idaho!

And finally, my buddy Ken sent this to me, one of these days, I’ll finish Infinite Jest (after starting it probably 20 or so times).  It’s really my white whale.

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