Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today, little bit of a video heavy one, but let’s go with it!

For Star Wars Day, Heathrow added flights to destinations in the Star Wars galaxy to their boards.

In good news, Ireland is looking to prosecute practitioners of gay conversion torture.

The trailer for POSE looks so good:

Spoilers for Infinity War, but here’s a great break down of the real villain.

In that vein, want to see if you survived the final events of Infinity War?  Click here.  Spoiler, I didn’t make it.

Also related: straight people shouldn’t write about gay ‘culture’ if they don’t know what they’re talking about.  Bad NYTimes.

The music video for Deadpool 2 is amazing:

It’s a little heavy handed, but good on AIG and the All Blacks for these awesome new jerseys!

Two classic Mega Man games are being re-released….on cartridges!

I ran the marathon a few weeks ago and had a blast!  I talked with the guy filming this, but we didn’t make it in, but still a really cool video!

Required reading: Dan Savage eviscerates a gay republican and it’s so perfect.

Also, conservatives are sad because people don’t like them.  If I wasn’t busy trying to save the world, I still wouldn’t give a shit.

Arrested Development is coming back for season 5, and I’m so, so excited:

That’s it for now (hopefully these video links work, Youtube was acting strange for me), have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  Oh hey look, Drumpf is rolling back transgender health care.  We keep fighting.

And a gay teacher in Kansas was run out of town due to death threats for being gay.  When we say this country still hates us, we’re not lying.  We keep fighting.

Republicans introduce a bill to allow anti-queer discrimination in adoption agencies nationwide.  We keep fighting.

Thank you, to Garfunkle and Oates for hitting it out of the park with this song:

This makes me laugh, but it’s what we deal with all the time.  A person makes some bigoted remark about how he thinks gay people are going to hell and then gets all upset when the pushback happens.  The hypocrisy is staggering.

The trailer for the new Ryan Murphy show Pose, about the ballroom scene.

Let’s talk about gun control.  Thankfully, America’s Best Christian, Betty Bowers is here to have the conversation:

In case you forgot, PA state Rep (from north of Pittsburgh, so not my elected official) Daryl Metcalfe is a bigoted, misogynistic,, racist waste of oxygen.  He’s also been single handedly holding up the bills that would give me some equal rights in the Commonwealth.

HRC is hitting hard against Mike Pence, which is good to see them going on the offensive as he starts campaigning across the country for the midterms.

The BBC released a really good video about what homophobia feels like in 2018.

From a favorite youtube channel, Ask a Mortician, let’s talk about funeral strippers:

A bartender who was organizing a drag show that was “supposed” to be a satirical look at Hitler has apologized.  How does someone even think that is a good idea?  Words escape me.

Are you excited for Infinity War?  Do you like to crochet?  I have the link for you!  Crochet your own Infinity Gauntlet!

Speaking of The Avengers, the new movie will have an Arrested Development reference in it!  I must admit, I was so excited I decided to blue myself early and I have a little bit of a mess on my hands.

Randy Rainbow hits it out of the park again:

A Neural Network created new DnD monsters, and the results are pretty awesome.

Speaking of DnD (and crochet from above), would you like to make your baby look like a Beholder?  I mean, please don’t, Beholders are the worst.

GLOW comes back this June!  Check out the trailer:

And finally, it looks as though Labyrinth is going to become a stage musical!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, in a great bit karma, a man who was refused a legal marriage license by Kim Davis is running to unseat her.  And she had to watch him fill out the paperwork.

One of my favorite podcasts, Welcome to Nightvale, is coming to TV, on FX.  I’m really not sure how this will work, but I’m excited!

An interesting, and infuriating dynamic concerning harassment, Matt Lauer and his treatment of Hillary during the campaign.

Submitted without comment:

Need a DIY holiday gift?  Here’s how to make wood-infused liquor.  As easy as is sounds.

Carrie Fisher’s dog, Gary, her constant companion, will appear (or at least an alien version of Gary), in The Last Jedi!

Alright, another update, let’s see what I have tonight for you.  First up, like this post.  Get it:

All of the books from The Royal Tenenbaums have been compiled.  Pretty awesome.

Apartment Therapy has a couple of old computers turned into coffee tables.  I like the one with the orange coil in the middle.

It’s almost time for the next season of American Horror Story, I’m super excited, and here’s one of the trailers:

This is astounding.  David Foster Wallace (and other authors) have left the word notes in the thesaurus on Macs.  Really neat, and a little sad in the case of DFW.

Awesome steampunk fan:

Apartment Therapy takes a look at the new IKEA catalog and pulls out the rooms which were created by a computer.

This is so meta, I don’t even know what to say, apparently 160 years of maps of hurricanes, makes a giant, globe-consuming hurricane pattern.

And finally, this goes out to all my over-caffeinated friends and family out there, a giant chart of coffee.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more, have a great one!

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