Today's Mighty Oak

So, sometimes I forgot how much of a sucker I am for a good strings section.  With that in mind, I give you the latest video from the Goo Goo Dolls for “NotBroken”

Buzzfeed has amazing Charlie Sheen quotes with baby sloths (much like they did with kittens and Mel Gibson not too long ago), my favorite:

Check out this amazing article about why video games should have their own dedicated Grammy.  “Baba Yetu” is amazing, although the live duet version from VGL is even better:

Tim Burton is set to do a new Hunchback movie!  That remains my all time favorite Disney movie, and I’d actually really like to read the book, so I’m interested in this.

Check out this awesome idea for a new Scrabble set:

This kind of flew under the radar, but Nickelodeon is bringing back classic cartoons with new episodes!  So hoping for Ahh! Real Monsters!

And the internet memes continue for Christina:

That’s it for now, media heavy update, but I’ll be back again soon, have a great one!

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