Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, the new Google ear buds are going to change the world with live translations.

Stan Lee takes a stand against bigotry.

Fitz and the Tantrums’ new song is my new jam:

A touching tribute to Matthew Shepherd.

And speaking of, the politician who was saved by a married lesbian spoke at a convention dedicated to taking away her rights.

Oh hey, so did the president.  The first to do so.  He spoke at a convention that has discussed ways to pass legislation to put gay men to death.  Let that sink in.

Also in the horror show that is this administration, Jeff Sessions has rescinded protections for trans* people.

The president has also removed all mention of the queer community from the Health and Human Services department, meaning no mention of queer focused health initiatives.

And Jeff Sessions rescinded other protections for all members of the queer community.  These are things that affect people you love.  Be fucking pissed.

Okay, quick pallet cleanser.  The new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey takes the form of a Big Band musical number:

After the horrific shooting in Vegas, just a reminder that your thoughts and prayers do jack shit.  We need comprehensive gun control in this country, including a rescinding of the second amendment.

It boggles my mind that it takes something personally happening to someone for them to take action.  It is not that hard to actually think about other people and try to imagine a better world for them, as well as yourself.  But, predictably, when gun violence is close to a gun fanatic, suddenly, he realizes his mistake.  It infuriates me that it takes a tragedy like this for him to realize how wrong he is, but hey, at least he came around I guess.  I just won’t be patting him on the back for his sudden realization.

A Dutch news program takes on (with dark humor) the insanity that we live with here in the US:

Okay, the graphic designers have gotten a hold of the US map.

Speaking of graphic designers, a great SNL skit about fonts:

And if you can believe it, the man who created Papyrus, responds!

Stranger Things 2 (or the second season, not sure what to call it) looks amazing:

The president rolls back the mandate for birth control under health care, because he wants to drive up abortion rates, the cost of healhtcare and get rid of preventative medicine.  Just kidding, he’s a racist and since it is both something Obama put into place and a GOP wet-dream, it’s gone.

And I’ll just drop this here, the 10 things you need to know about Patriotism:

In good medical news, due to PrEP, there has been a huge drop in new HIV cases in England (where it was studied).

And finally, the amazing trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi:

Shorter post today, but let’s see what we have.

First up, 40 bizarre interview questions.  Many of which, I’m pretty sure are illegal to actually ask, or base employment on.

A Game of Thrones line of beer is coming out, pretty awesome.

Heavy handed, but fun:

A recycling system that takes discarded plastic and turns it into 3D printer ink.

Want to go on a blind date?  Like right now?  OKCupid has you covered.

How to charge your phone without plugging it in.

Amazingly beautiful bioluminescent leaves:

And finally, the terrifying real examples of design jargon bullshit.

I’m back from my summer travels, so that means, much more regular content!  Until I get back on a normal sleep schedule and whatnot, here’s a short update:

I know I missed it, but all I have to say is one of my favorite quotes, “You should live every week like it’s Shark Week.”  Enjoy:

So, a school district in Missouri banned “Slaugherhouse Five,” because it goes against the Bible.  Good gravy.  But thankfully, the Vonnegut Library will give any student from that district a free copy.  If you’d like to learn more or donate, check it out.

Here is the complete set of Arrested Development paper dolls.  I especially love the Buster one, since it includes the seal and the “You’re Killing Me, Buster” banner.

I posted this on Metblogs, but it’s too awesome to pass up again.  Just remember, this was released when we were still just over .500:

Go build a solar system!  And prepare to lose long bits of time as you play with this!

A message to everyone in London:

And finally, make sure to read this article, it’s about some kids who tried to make a newspaper the old fashioned way, and it’s awesome!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with a lot more, have a great one!

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