Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, this amazing ad from Guinness:

Also in the world of advertising, this guy spend over $1,000 on Twitter ads because an airline lost his luggage and he wanted them to actually do their job.

The KKK, which is sadly still a thing, had their first-ever meeting with the NAACP, and it was described as “peaceful.”

A new study shows that gun ownership, not suicidal behavior, is actually the highest indicator of suicide.

Hahaha, amazing chart of things said to designers.

So this exists:

Russia is now moving towards forcibly taking children away from LGBT parents.  At the end of the G-20 summit, when Obama met with Activists, they begged him to help get them out of the country.  Things are only going to get worse as we head towards the Olympics.

Utah follows in Florida’s idiotic footsteps.  Again, for those keeping score: those on public assistance are far less likely than the general public to be on drugs, stop wasting money.

And finally, a great idea for a public service campaign:

Quick update, let’s see what I have today for you all.

First up, this must have been very awkward, for so many reasons, I don’t think it could have been better planned on tv.

I’m really digging this awesome beervertising, although it should work with most amber and dark beers, not just Guinness:


Steven Colbert made Maxim’s list of 100 hottest women.  Yes, you read the correctly.  He once again used a write-in campaign to win.  Pretty awesome.

A good read about DOMA, and my favorite line:

How many live in the eight leastpopulated states? Less than 3 percent. Three percent — also known as the margin of error. (Which raises a terrifying scenario: It’s possible these states are completely empty.)

And from Copyranter, a cool ad for the torture museum:

That’s it for now, I’ll be back in a few days after the wedding festivities, until then, have a great one!

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