Alright, first up, Reddit did some great work when they spammed (and then automated) Kellogg’s systems when they were trying to hire scabs during the strike.
Stephen Colbert celebrated The Fellowship of the Ring’s 20th anniversary with an amazing rap tribute!
The James Webb Space Telescope successfully launched (and now deployed). It will take about six months to get to it’s location, but it was so cool waking up on Christmas to watch the launch!
And just remember, life is precious, unless it’s not. A video from one of my favorite drag queens:
New Looney Tunes are coming to HBO Max and this is making me want to subscribe:
The PG (granted, it’s become a right-wing rag on the editorial side) has a neat interactive site about the bridges of Pittsburgh. Note this may be behind a paywall, I think it was one of my three free articles when I read it.
The Atlantic has a great piece about pandemic fatigue, how we should approach it both in ourselves and others. The article also covers the similarities between COVID and the HIV pandemic: they’re very, very similar, just on a different time scale. Be kind to yourself and others, be as smart and safe as you can.
Also in Pandemic related content, CGP Grey’s new video about it. While I will disagree, I think that for many, just surviving is enough (instead of creation of coming out ‘better’ in some way), this video has great tips about how to survive our new reality: