Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have going on today.

First up, need a pick-me up?  Watch this crazy video.  Sometimes I really miss soap operas.

Or just watch this:

Just remember, the separation of Church and State is only applicable if it’s what you want.  Or something like that.

I never thought of it this way, but second amendment extremists have met their match: insurance companies.

Whoever is running the social media accounts at JCPenny is awesome:

As a reminder, Orson Scott Card, the writer of Ender’s Game, is a hateful bigot.  Like, he has said that he thinks members of the LGBT community should be rounded up arrested and put in camps.  But now, he wants us to forget about that, so he can make money on his new movie.  Needless to say, the responses have been epic, and I won’t be seeing the movie.

And this is what happens when capitalism goes unchecked:

There is a cool documentary coming out about Walt Disney trying to secure the rights to Mary Poppins, and it looks amazing. Also, Tom Hanks looks exactly like Walt Disney himself.  Check it out here.

Wolverine: the puppet musical.  So that’s a thing.

And lastly, the trailer for The Fifth Estate, the movie about WikiLeaks.  It looks good, but I think all the good parts may be in the trailer:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

I really, really, really hope they don’t get sued, but a children’s hospital has rebranded chemo treatments as superhero formula.

So under oath, a gun executive called proposed gun control legislation “common sense.

Surviving the World celebrates victories of marriage equality:

Sometimes, I hate the world.  White supremacist are all up in arms because…well does it really even matter.  The point is Cheerios.

A bunch of really awesome people debate how Superman shaves.

Following up “Ship My Pants”

I was all excited about the great outreach the Pope was doing, and then the Vatican reminded us all that Atheists are going to hell.

An idiot Idaho sheriff is dropping his BSA charter because “sodomy is against the law.”  While it is true that law is still on the books in Idaho, that law has been rendered void by the Supreme Court.

The best wedding photo ever.  Seriously.

More about the Oregon bakery who won’t bake a cake for a lesbian wedding.  Their version of City Paper called and was able to order cakes for Pagan ceremonies, divorce parties and even stem cell/cloning celebrations.  The bakery claims it didn’t act with an anti-gay animus, just faith principles, but I’m not seeing it.

I spent Friday night watching the house floor of the Illinois legislature.  Their marriage equality bill failed, and this was the tearful ending of the night.  The bill however, in a surprise move, has been extended until August 31 by the Speaker, giving it a new chance.:

The Lutherans join the Episcopalians with their first openly LGBT bishop.

That’s it for today, have a great one!

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