Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I’ve rounded up this time:

First up, if you’ve seen the many parodies of “Shit Girls Say,” this is probably one of the more clever ones.  Although not accurate (unless it’s a silent order of course):

Following yesterdays political news in Iowa, BuzzFeed has 25 people google’ing “Santorum” for the first time.  Hilarity ensues.

One of the blogs I follow is UpADownA.  And they posted this very beautiful image of an oatmeal stout (my favorite kind of beer):


Makes me want to to drink a New Holland Poet.

George Michael (the singer, not the Arrested Development character) is rightfully pissed…after Christian groups were praying for his death while he had pneumonia.  Note to those groups: Jesus told us to love one another.  I don’t remember anything about hate.  You’re doing it wrong.

Today’s whoops from the Catholic Church.  I feel sorry for the kids though, but at least they got financial assistance.

I know it’s after Christmas, but here’s a really well-done animation:

That’s it for now, be back soon, have a great one!

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