Today's Mighty Oak

Fairly big update for you today, let’s see what I have.

First up, pretty awesome spot via Copyranter:

Tampa Bay drafted a paralyzed player, who would have been in this year’s draft class.  Very, very classy.

I was just talking about Stephen King yesterday, so it’s nice to see him asked to be taxed, but here is the more important quote:

  I don’t want you to apologize for being rich; I want you to acknowledge that in America, we all should have to pay our fair share. That our civics classes never taught us that being American means that — sorry, kiddies — you’re on your own. That those who have received much must be obligated to pay — not to give, not to “cut a check and shut up,” in Governor Christie’s words, but to pay — in the same proportion. That’s called stepping up and not whining about it. That’s called patriotism, a word the Tea Partiers love to throw around as long as it doesn’t cost their beloved rich folks any money.

This is a bathroom I would never, ever use.  Although I guess it would certainly help you shit, just from fear.

Awesome ad:

MaddowBlog also covers the war on voting, here in Pennsylvania.

Totally not appropriate for work, but I love watching these three grandmas as they watch the Kim Kardashian sex tape:

 The Good Men Project has a top ten list, of why you should only read top ten lists.  Very clever, I especially like number four.

There’s a big stink about Dan Savage and his recent remarks.  I have a lot of thoughts about it, although he sums it up very well.  Please have a read here, it’s long, but it’s worth it.  And the sad but true follow up, a study has revealed that non-religious are more compassionate that those who are religious. Guess that’s why the “Christian” Right has been able to draw up so much fake outrage and cries of being bullied when someone uses their own freedom of speech to disagree with them and point out some hypocritical facts about parts of religion.

But anyway, go read the first link, totally worth it.  Have a great one, I’ll be back with more soon!

Another update for everyone, hope you enjoy:

Scientist have found a spiral star.  Not a solar system or galaxy, but a star.  Really cool, check it out.

This is really cool, watch to learn how much The Internet weighs:

Want to find out how long your relationship has been in terms of the unit of measure of a Kardashian (72 days)?  Click here.  By the way, congratulations to my parents who have been married over 180 Kardashians!

Death to Pennies:

NPR has an awesome article about NaNoWriMo, by the author of The Night Circus.  Which, by the way, is an amazing books, and one of my new favorites, you really should read it!

Wes Anderson’s new movie looks really awesome, and it includes Edward Norton!  Check it out:

Death Star PR approves of this letter.  And so do I!  Which first of all, if you’re going to be a go and talk about Star Wars, you better know your stuff.

And finally, I think it will take longer for us to see these, considering that now we’ll need power running to our windows, but it would be awesome to see above sinks (for when washing dishes) as long as it includes links to online video:

Thanks again for reading, have a great one!

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