Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, amazing wood-carved nintendo cartridges!  That you can really play!

Two Political Junkies fixed a recent Post-Gazette headline.

Speaking of Pittsburgh, there is going to be a Mr. Rogers biopic!  I am so, so excited about this!

My favorite Super Bowl ads were from Tide:

Philadelphia Eagles flocked to a bar called ‘The Eagle’ due to its name.  Here’s a hint, if there’s a bar named ‘The Eagle,’ chances are it’s a gay leather bar.

Speaking of the Super Bowl, Deadpool live tweeted it.

And speaking of Ryan Reynolds, as much as I’m against the remake, he will be staring in the new Clue, which I think he’ll do well in.

An amazingly cute and heartwarming story of a woman who called a gay bar after her son came out to her.

The new Harry Potter movies are hiding the fact that Dumbledore is supposed to be gay, and it’s bullshit.

There is going to be a Harry Potter cruise however.

The Olympics may be over, but this video will be with us forever:

I’m calling bullshit on the ‘gay Porgs’ in Star Wars.  The fact that this is a multibillion dollar franchise so embedded into our culture and we get gay background animals if we squint and know some obscure fact, instead of actual representation is humiliating.  LucasFilm and Disney can do better.

Bermuda has rescinded their marriage equality, much like California did with Prop 8.

Trulia now shows you the rights you’ll have as a queer person when looking at homes on the market.  Our rights are a patchwork and it can be really confusing remembering what rights I have where, so this is a really nice feature, but so sad that it’s needed.

A California court has sided with an anti-gay baker.  I will remind you that this is not really about cake.  It’s about basic human dignity.  And the fact that I have to worry about what hospital and doctors I see, because they can turn me away.  It’s about the fact that funeral homes can turn loved ones away all by citing religious freedom.  It’s about bigotry.

And research has showed that acceptance of the queer community has actually dropped.  Less than half of the adults surveyed are comfortable with my existence.  Neat.

Alright, that’s it for now, go back and watch those Olympians strip down!

Alright, larger update now, let’s see what all we have.

First up, P!nk covers Queen:

Not that I’m getting married anytime soon, but this looks awesome, hope it comes to Android soon, I so would have done this for my brother’s wedding!

In honor of the Olympics:

Here’s an awesome game, see if you can name the movie character from their famous wardrobe.  I only got one correct.

The answer is no.  I would not swim in this pool:

Awesome, (but confusing to view on a screen as opposed to a printed form) flowchart of alcohol.

Oreo has been doing some awesome ads, this one is no exception:

Pretty neat looking, and cheap, way to build a shelf.

This is just amazing, Edison’s Cradle:

And lastly from ManMadeDIY, a new bicycle that is built of mostly cardboard and very cheap.  Could be a gamechanger in developing nations.

Ceiling Cat is real!  See the proof:

This is what happens when toys get technology.  Lots of fun.

The Tetris light, I’d spend way too much time playing with these each morning:

Holy crap, we’re on Mars!  No seriously, we’re on Mars!

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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