Today's Mighty Oak

Another update today, let’s see what I’ve found today.

First up, Ellen envisions a political world in which the ads are kind.

Amazing, and crazy footage of a volcano:

A movie theater in London has employed ninjas to remind people of movie etiquette.  Awesome.

McDonalds is counting on the McRib to save Christmas.  I’m hoping we can turn that into a heartwarming children’s special, or something like that.

The popinator may actually become a real thing, believe it or not:

Social networks can actually help to encourage people to go out and vote.  Pretty awesome to see our online lives helping us to be politically involved.

Speaking of voting, it’s very vulgar (of course, it’s Sarah Silverman), but it’s important information:

And finally, it’s the same day as Homecoming, but I’d like to see it, Stewart and O’Reilley are going to do a live debate!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!  Have a great one!

Hello everybody, another update for you!

Check out this really cool interactive billboard from McDonalds, pretty awesome.

Here’s an incredible little story.  Father and son at the first and last shuttle launches:


I think we all knew this was coming, and honestly, I think it may even make reruns more relevant, and fun to watch to spot them, but now there are new ads inserted into old sitcoms.

Your daily dose of politics from me:

 Okay, one more link for you.

Worried about what will happen to your online life after you die?  Here’s the Dead’s Man Switch and a way to help plan your funeral.

I missed this the first time around, but part of the big news is that Scissor Sisters are doing some of the soundtrack for the New Fraggle Rock movie.  The other is, how did I miss there is going to be a Fraggle Rock movie?!

If only this shirt was still true:


Oh yes, how very true:


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