Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I have today for you.

First up, an amazing flash mob.  I was impressed when I saw the bassoon, then I saw the horns!

Paris is going to be offering rest areas around the city that include benches, interactive maps and WiFi hotspots.  Add an outlet and you would never have to leave!

Buzzfeed has 18 strange bus stops from the Soviet Union.  PAT should stick with what they have.

Wondering how fireworks work?  MaddowBlog has you covered:

PittGirl’s new column over at Pittsburgh Magazine takes on the Post-Gazette’s new policy on not using the word Jaggoff.

The Nerdist covers the demolition of The Igloo:

The Guardian interviews the dog from Text from Dog.

It’s a few days late, but it’s patriotic.  ‘MERICA:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, have a great one!

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what we have.

First up, the latest episode of the Flog, which includes a mini Buffy Season 8 reunion, and an ode to Carrie Fisher:

io9 explains, why you should wear black (if it’s the proper type of fabric at least) this summer.  Hat tip to Becky for passing that one one.

Fifth Avenue Frogger:

Ragan has 10 of the coolest products you never realized Google had.

America’s tourism board released this ad which is showing around the world and domestically.  Pretty cool, although I’m not falling head over heels for the song, but it’s sill cool.  The sky diver with the hawk is amazing!

That’s it for now, I”ll be back soon with more, have a great one!

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