Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what I have this time.

First up, pretty amazing:

Bill Cosby himself is running polls to vote on the best sweaters from The Cosby Show.  That’s pretty cool.

KitKat does very well in social media, but gets schooled by Oreo, of course.

So awesome to see this song performed on Jimmy Fallon:

Starbucks CEO tells shareholders they’ll do the right thing and support marriage equality, and if they don’t like, it to sell.  Bravo.

And as we entre the final days before arguing before the Supreme Court, the American Academy of Pediatrics, outlines why it supports marriage equality.  They said the timing wasn’t planned, but honestly, it’s a bit suspect.  Hopefully that does not diminish their statement.

DuckTales is being remastered and rerelased.  And I heard that if it goes well, we’ll see more like this.  Cool nostalgia, although I hope the video game industry doesn’t turn into the movie industry, all old ideas:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, Carbolic Smoke Ball hits it out of the park.

Guns and comic books, covered here by Gutters.

On “Gun Appreciation Day,” which, by the way, is horrid that it coincides with the MLK weekend, three different incidents of people being shot at gun shows.  But just be careful, the organization le pushing for this “appreciation day” are white supremicists.

A good piece on gun ownership, and how it scares me (I mean the author).  And in case you’re wondering about assault weapons, check out Australia.

The best creative confessions:

Deadspin wins the Internet on how to react to Donald Trump.  And gifs come in.

GOProud, the LGBT Republican organization has finally come out to support marriage equality.  You should reread that.  January 18, 2013.  They just not think that marriage equality is worth fighting for.  Anyway, GOProud is a laughable group, trying to trick people into thinking the GOP actually cares about citizens.  And now they’re outraged that they’ve become the laughing stock of the Internet.

Ancient riverbed discovered on Mars.  I just watched Star Talk on Nerdist where they talked about this!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, have a great one!

Couple neat things to share today.  First up, check out this awesome interactive view of the universe.  It takes a minute to load, but pretty awesome.

This amused me.  I also love the fact that turkeys are like cats and dogs:

And speaking of cats, I have no idea how this even happens, but I find it really funny:

The Good Men Project has a recurring feature where they examine outrageous stock photography.  This installment: Men looking puzzled at newspapers.

Apparently, a Japanese researcher thinks he can clone a Woolly Mammoth in four years.  I want one!

And in (dis)honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, someone turned one of the most famous speeches of all time…into a PowerPoint.  Kinda funny, and sad when you realize how good PowerPoint presentations really can be (and yes, that’s the point)

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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