Today's Mighty Oak

Hello there everybody, another clearinghouse type article here for you, so enjoy the wonderousness that the Internet has to offer:

This apartment must have been so, freaking expensive:

Craigmod takes a look at the current state of eReaders and how we need to move forward.  I really like the idea of collaboration between eReader and their documents.

This was passed around before, and I can’t embed it, but check out how these athletes entertained the crowd during a rain delay at a baseball game.

Looking for Halloween costumes?  Or just a little something for your alter ego?  Look no further than the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.

Uploaded by onemoreprod. – Discover more animation and arts videos.

I saw this last year, but forgot to post it.  How cool is it that the White House now has a Seder?

This is being billed as London’s Eiffel Tower.  I don’t see it.  At all.  It’s being built for the 2012 London Olympic Games, which more and more, a looking like a disaster (see: the ugly logo):

Would you like to see stories from The Bible acted out by Legos?  Really, who wouldn’t?  Check it out here.

T-shirt war:

I kind of love this Lost alarm clock!  However, I think it would get really annoying every morning.  Also, it only takes batteries, no plug, which is just strange.

Scientists can use giant magnets to make humans ‘less moral.’ So if someone comes up to you and asks for a shady favor, while holding giant magnets near your ears, just say no!

This is a little sad and a little frightening.  Watch out Stephen Colbert:

I’m fairly certain this is better than any lawn gnome ever.

With the recent relaunch of ChatRoulette, here’s an interview with its creator, a 17 year old Russian boy.

This is pretty awesome, a self-sufficient waterfall that creates energy and works as an observation tower for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.  London take note, Brazil is doing it better (but I still won’t go there because of the tornadoes of fire):

IGN has an awesome article refuting the claim that video games can’t be art.  I generally like Ebert and love reading his writing, but this is one thing he’s wrong about.  Make sure to check it out.

Just remember kids, cleavage is wrong.  Especially when it is on a puppet.

Want to hack the internet a little bit to get more traffic to your site?  Try this linkbait generator.  Currently it reads for me: 8 ways Star Trek can save your life in a Plane Crash

Here’s a fun link to sports team’s logos from Middle Earth, I’m partial to this one:

Mennonno sapiens has a great article about the Tea Party.  Check it out if you have a minute.

And we’ve found the primordial ooze.  Cool:

May I introduce you to Butch Bakery.  Kind of awesome.

Or maybe you need to create your own warning sign.  Do it here

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more.  Have a great one everybody!

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