Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, we have the first look at the Mr. Rogers movie staring Tom Hanks.

Pete Buttigieg took over P-Town and it was Pete-Town for a weekend!

Pictures from World Pride in NYC to celebrate Stonewall 50.

Meeting the new president of the HRC:

In other Pride news, Gritty (who, even though I am a die-hard Pens fan, is still the best thing that we didn’t know we needed), did a great job at Philly Pride (and check out him waving the Philadelphia Pride flag)!

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (drag nuns who do street-level ministry to the queer community), were present at a commemoration ceremony of the queer lives lost in the Holocaust.

(Pennsylvania) Republicans are a disgrace, part I: screaming over the reading of a letter of a former homeless man because they want to slash the General Assistance Program.

(Pennsylvania) Republicans are a disgrace, part II: Congressman says he’s a person of color because he’s white.

And finally, as a palate cleanser, watch some T-Rexs run a race!

Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, as part of the 50th anniversary celebration, the entirety of Stonewall has been 3D scanned, preserving the record of it.

I’ve been running a lot recently while listening to audio books, and before this news broke (even though the biography was published last year), I had started the biography of Mr. Rogers (as read by Lavar Burton, so just amazing all around), but he basically came out as bisexual!

The third season of Santa Clarita Diet is about to drop:

Young activists received a letter of apology from the governor of Utah. A great story, and hopefully it leads to a great outcome!

It’s higher than I thought, but still lower than it should be: the CDC reports that 35 percent of at-risk gay and bi men are on PrEP.

This is amazing: A woman recited (as much as she could in her three minutes) the Patton Oswalt filibuster from Parks and Rec! She even got to say “please allow me to finish.” These are civic engagement goals.

Speaking of civic engagement, one of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination, Pete Buttigieg, has impressed me so much, he makes me want to register with the party instead of being an Independent. I don’t have the link handy, but his interview on the Today show, talking about reclaiming faith for the left, was inspirational.

The massacre in New Zealand is of course, horrific. The outpouring of love, and hakas, has been emotional to say the least. It gives me hope (and makes me sad we can’t do it here), that tighter gun restrictions really can be done so quickly.

Also in super sad news, a survivor of Parkland has taken her own life.

In amazing karma, an anti-vaxxer in Italy…got chicken pox. Which is much worse if you’re an adult.

And finally, in funny news from the EU, France’s EU minister has named her cat Brexit: it cries to leave, but then never does.

Alright, let’s see what we have today, it’s a fairly short update.

First up, what we witnessed on Friday, while showing the absolute strength, resolution and power of women and sexual abuse survivors, was, all-in-all, one of the most heinous things concocted by the Republicans in the 242 year history of this country, and that is saying something.  Don’t forget to take some time for yourself and self-care, and if you need help, reach out.

A priest in Chicago defied the Archdiocese and performed an ‘exorcism’ of a Pride flag, burning it.  A reminder, the Catholic Church is a hate group, full stop.

There’s a new trailer for the next Fantastic Beasts movie:

Google celebrated Mister Rogers this week with a wonderful Doodle!

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Let’s see what we have today.  First up, this amazing Samsung ad from the Winter Olympics featuring (my fake boyfriend) Gus Kenworthy:

A drag queen dressed as Elsa single handedly pushed a police van out of the snow in Boston.

Emma Gonzales, one of the Parkland survivor, discusses how being bi has influenced her gun violence activism.

And here is Ben Platt and Lin-Manuel Miranda performing their song “Found Tonight” which benefited the March for Our Lives:

Here is the duo performing it at the march itself.

There’s going to be a ‘music only’ cut of The Last Jedi.

Speaking of The Last Jedi, Laura Dern said ‘pew’ every time she shot her blaster.

There’s a new trailer for the next Fantastic Beasts movie.  And the upcoming Avengers movie.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?:

All of Wes Anderson’s protagonists ranked by how quirky they are.

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, amazing wood-carved nintendo cartridges!  That you can really play!

Two Political Junkies fixed a recent Post-Gazette headline.

Speaking of Pittsburgh, there is going to be a Mr. Rogers biopic!  I am so, so excited about this!

My favorite Super Bowl ads were from Tide:

Philadelphia Eagles flocked to a bar called ‘The Eagle’ due to its name.  Here’s a hint, if there’s a bar named ‘The Eagle,’ chances are it’s a gay leather bar.

Speaking of the Super Bowl, Deadpool live tweeted it.

And speaking of Ryan Reynolds, as much as I’m against the remake, he will be staring in the new Clue, which I think he’ll do well in.

An amazingly cute and heartwarming story of a woman who called a gay bar after her son came out to her.

The new Harry Potter movies are hiding the fact that Dumbledore is supposed to be gay, and it’s bullshit.

There is going to be a Harry Potter cruise however.

The Olympics may be over, but this video will be with us forever:

I’m calling bullshit on the ‘gay Porgs’ in Star Wars.  The fact that this is a multibillion dollar franchise so embedded into our culture and we get gay background animals if we squint and know some obscure fact, instead of actual representation is humiliating.  LucasFilm and Disney can do better.

Bermuda has rescinded their marriage equality, much like California did with Prop 8.

Trulia now shows you the rights you’ll have as a queer person when looking at homes on the market.  Our rights are a patchwork and it can be really confusing remembering what rights I have where, so this is a really nice feature, but so sad that it’s needed.

A California court has sided with an anti-gay baker.  I will remind you that this is not really about cake.  It’s about basic human dignity.  And the fact that I have to worry about what hospital and doctors I see, because they can turn me away.  It’s about the fact that funeral homes can turn loved ones away all by citing religious freedom.  It’s about bigotry.

And research has showed that acceptance of the queer community has actually dropped.  Less than half of the adults surveyed are comfortable with my existence.  Neat.

Alright, that’s it for now, go back and watch those Olympians strip down!

Alright, let’s see what’s going on today.  First up, in case you didn’t hear, from the lips of Mitt Romney and Lucille Bluth:

And on that note, the Million Muppet March.

And in case you forgot, the testimony from Mr. Rogers in front of the US Senate that saved PBS:

And lastly on the subject, from my favorite astro-physicist:

In more political news, the PA voter ID requirement has been delayed, but the state is lagging behind getting that information out here.  Rachel Maddow’s show had some fun with it:

As a complete and total no-brainer, access to contraception reduces the abortion rate.  Thankfully, Obamacare does just that, provides free and available contraception options to women.

And lastly in politics today, this is floating around, but give it a watch, it’s great:

There is a new captcha system, that brings light to human rights abuses.  Pretty awesome if you ask me:

And leaving politics for a little bit, for those of you eager to celebrate Halloween, check out how to make this awesome pumpkin keg.

Or even better for Halloween, printable poison labels:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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