Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what we have today:

Adobe is showcasing their anti-blur technology.  Really awesome, I have no idea how it works, but I’ll figure out some way to break it, don’t worry.

For those returning to college, here are the types of drunks you’ll be seeing:

I’m surprised this didn’t get more attention: apparently Padre Pio was using carbolic acid to fake his stigmata.  I’ll have to go back and watch Stigmata, which I always get mad at because while it is set in Pittsburgh, they got a lot of details way wrong.

I forgot to post this before Christmas, but now that it’s finally snowy, it feels like Christmas, so enjoy it:

Here are Chris Baty’s awesome reflections on NaNoWriMo 2011

This week in human rights abuses, those who did not mourn publicly, or did not mourn enough, or were though to be faking their mourning in North Korea are going to be sent to labor camps.  North Korean labor camps result in the death of about 25% of their inmates.

I tumbled down the rabbit hole on youtube, and this one explains the cost of the royal family:

That’s it for right now, back later with more!

Popping in quickly to post the newly-released video of “Raise Your Glass,” which is, as expected, awesome.  Also, did you know Westinghouse created Rosie the Riveter?  And that she was based on my grandmother?

Okay, that second part isn’t true, but we like to think it is.

“Raise Your Glass” will be making an appearance in my novel this month, which is titled “Hear Your Voices Sing Back Louder.”  Off to a write-in tomorrow!  Hopefully I’ll get my word count up to where it should be!

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