Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, an amazing story from the world of soccer.  Fans were shouting racial slurs at a player, so the entire time left the pitch.

This is an awesome job.  The benefits are pretty amazing:

A Swiss bank is closing after admitting it helps US citizens evade their taxes.

I think I linked to it before, but the House GOP killed the Violence Against Women Act because this year, it added three extra groups: immigrants, Native Americans and the LGBT community.  So yes, they can agree to protect women if they’re white and straight.  But otherwise, nope.

But this is really cute, our youngest Senator:

Scientists have made a model of what Mars may have looked like if it was more Earth-like, i.e. our climate, water coverage and ecosystems.

The sad state of communications:

I kind of hope Taco Bell pulls this off, the press they would get from it would be amazing.  I still have trouble believing an athlete eats that much Taco Bell though.

This is what it looks like when a polar bear wants to eat you:

So….the Pope denounced selfish capitalism:

Don’t forget that that throne is encrusted with jewels.

Okay, that’s it for now, have a great one everyone!

Okay, I’m back, some more fun things from around the Interwebs for you:

First up, major nerd spoiler alert.  You’ve been warned.

The Human Torch was killed off last month, so to fill out the ranks of the previous Fantastic Four (now dubbed The Future Foundation) they’ve added Spiderman to their ranks, and new costumes for everyone:

I think Little Big Planet would be the only reason I’d buy a PS3, and this makes me want to play the game again:

Copyranter shows a really cool bag that can be reused in lots of different ways.  Really cool.

The trailer for X-Men: First Class is out, and even though I’m having a hard time identifying a lot of people, looks pretty awesome:

If you didn’t already think the American Family Foundation were all assholes, now you will.  Apparently, we were justified forcing the Native American’s off their land.  Because you know, they aren’t really families, or something.

Here’s a fantastic ad for the state-level ENDA in Kentucky:

And in case you had any doubt, Republicans have twice as many sex scandals as Democrats (at least in the last decade, and those that were caught/reported of course).  However, big points for the Onion:

Breaking: Anti-Gay Congressman Caught In Affair With Horse

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