Today's Mighty Oak

It’s been a crazy couple days, doing all kinds of cleaning, unpacking and even more cleaning.  I’ve also been slowly ripping a good portion of my CDs and putting the music onto my Zune.  It’s been taking longer than I thought it would, but then again, I have more music than I remember!

Check out this really cool music video, I’ve never heard of the song or the artist, but I really like the art style:

Two Weeks – Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.

I started reading the new Star Wars series, “Fate of the Jedi.”  I flew through the first one, and just picked up the second one, I think the third one comes out pretty soon, but most of the rest won’t come out until next year.  The strange thing is that all of the books are coming out in Hardcover.  For whatever reason, Star Wars books have this awful way of being published where the more important ones come out in Hardback (and then a year later in paperback), and the rest in paperback.  This was not a problem, but an annoyance, especially during The New Jedi Order since it was such a long series.

I do realize I’m a dork.  Just so you know.  But I’ll stop.  For now.

Patrick, DC Metblog’s captain, has an awesome entry on his blog about his circles of friends, and the reading of his blog.  A lot of it I think applies to my own friends as well, although I would add that I always find it strange when one of my friends talks about what I wrote.  One, because I never expect them to read my blog, and secondly, because like Patrick, I keep my blog primarily as a record for myself.  But I am thankful to my readers, I am.  I would like to find out a way to somehow automatically port comments from facebook over to my blog.  I don’t know if that is possible, but I’ll start to do some research for that.

Ok, I think that’s it for now.  I’ll be ramping up Pittsburgh Metblogs as we get ready for the G20, but until then, I’ll catch everyone later, have a great one!

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