Today's Mighty Oak

Let’s see what we have today, first up Buzzfeed has a collection of awesome British billboards, I’m still partial to the first one.

This is just great:

If you didn’t catch it, the “NOT COOL, COOKIE” saga explained.

It’s funny because it’s true:

Are ads sexist?  Probably:

These cards are awesome, over sized umbrellas are the worst on city sidewalks!

Fun fact, two in five people would rather scrub toilets than change their passwords…hmmmm

I honestly don’t think this will work, but it’s still fun to watch:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon!

I’m back from two weeks away, and back to the blog.  I’ll be posting more updates soon, as well as a short update about my trip to Maryland/Delaware, but in the meantime, enjoy all of this:

First up, a video from NASA about watching the Northern and Southern Lights from the International Space Station, absolutely beautiful!

And a really cool video from The Guardian:

Copyranter comes through with an awesome gif, a really cool interactive ad, misleading chalkboards, the truly horrifying, an ad which I like, but he doesn’t and the latest amazing cover from The New Yorker.

This also comes from Copyranter:

And here is a compilation from Better Book Titles.  I especially love their take on “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

And here is the second trailer for The Avengers:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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