Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, I might have actually linked to this before, but did you know that we have a plan in case we ever find Nessie?  Now you do!

If you haven’t seen it already, stop everything you’re doing and watch the new Randy Rainbow song:

There’s going to be a Baby Groot Chia Pet!

The Downton Abbey movie is finally confirmed and moving forward!

Remember all that money Jill Stein raised for a recount, yeah, she’s spending it on her legal defense for her involvement with Russia.  Raise your hand if you’re surprised.  Nobody?  I didn’t think so.

Gay ‘conversion therapy’ is torture.  Full stop.  And there’s a feature film about it and it looks powerful:

Queen Elizabeth II is a master stateswoman.  She greeted the President last month while wearing a brooch given to her by the Obamas.

Speaking of Britain, an artists has created a portrait of Princess Diana using diamond dust and HIV+ blood:

And in infuriating news, the Health and Human Services have removed all LGBT references from the ObamaCare website.  The erasure continues.

Integrity USA celebrates progress made at the General Convention.

And finally, Stranger Things 3 has a great new promo!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, it turns out that intelligent people drink more.

In case you forgot, Rick Santorum is an idiot.  Like, there aren’t enough words to decry this man.

If lawyers were copywriters.  It’s sad, by the way.

And for fans of “Orange is the New Black”

The beginning of the year-end round-ups (I’ll have a special post later, still waiting for one more video to be released), but here are 45 of the most powerful images of the year.

A man went an entire day (with one slip-up) by only saying “Hodor.

Research has proven that anti-LGBT legislation causes harm, especially on young people.

And sadly, speaking of, a prominent Russian actor was applauded when he said he wants to burn all gay men alive.

The final book in The Magicians trilogy comes out in August, and we have a cover.

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  Lots of political news, so fair warning.

Oh, the irony of the NRA creating the database they’ve been screaming about for years.  Oh, the irony.

Rick Perry: Vocally hates Obamacare, quietly asks for $100 million benefit from it.  You know, because he hates it.  So much.

I could probably talk about this over at the King of Spades, but as it turns out, schools with anti-homophobia policies are safer…for all their students.  Amazing.

But then again, according to Justice Scalia, we’re an “invented” minority, and thus don’t deserve equal rights..  I wonder when I first came into being?

And here’s the three articles that make me furious.  An Iraq vet was booed at a city council meeting…because he’s gay.

A church in Tennessee kicks out a family…for supporting their daughter, who just happens to be a lesbian.

And lastly, an interracial couple gets assaulted, and has homophobic slurs thrown at them (they had been out with a gay friend), in New York City, which has this rash of homophobic attacks lately.

Well, this has been a depressing post.  In happier news, I’m heading to a reading of “The Birdcage” tomorrow as a fundraiser for the Zoo (the flamingo enclosure, specifically), and this Saturday is the City of Play Festival.  Come downtown to play some new games and run around downtown, it will be fun!  And if the games aren’t fun, we’ll make it fun!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, we now know what the tubes of the Internet look like:

If you need some good sports news after the Lance Armstrong scandal, check out this touching story from The Good Men Project.

The Good Men Project also has a cool time-lapse video from the LA Times of the trip of the shuttle Endeavor.

Remember how the republicans have been shouting from the rooftops about voter fraud?  And remember how those who fight against something the most are normally committing it themselves?  Yeah, republicans are committing more voter fraud.

Romney is also possibly getting into the illegal by asking employers to tell their employees how to vote.

Here’s the Lego version of the space jump:

The big Seattle newspaper is giving away free political advertising, but only to one party.  They are stating it is to prove how effective their advertising is, so they can gain more business in the future.  Kind of strange, and throwing objectivity out the window.  Now, to be fair, they can throw it out the window, but then they can’t go back and claim to not have a bias.  Anyway, a good portion of their writers have signed on to a letter, saying the policy affects their journalistic integrity.

Ben Stein went on Fox news and told them that to fix the economy we have to tax the wealthy.  Also, I had no idea he didn’t believe in evolution.  Guess he isn’t as smart as I thought.

This has been floating around, a great response (from a fake CEO) about maxi pad commercials:

Marriage equality is on the ballot in four states (and I have friends in each one of those states), so here’s a reminder: instead of you know, helping the poor, as Jesus said, the Knights of Columbus spent over 15 million dollars fighting equality.  Guess you didn’t really need to help the sick either:

And lastly about politics, a play written by Dan Savage about Obamacare (via Twitter).

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Alright, let’s see what’s going on today.  First up, in case you didn’t hear, from the lips of Mitt Romney and Lucille Bluth:

And on that note, the Million Muppet March.

And in case you forgot, the testimony from Mr. Rogers in front of the US Senate that saved PBS:

And lastly on the subject, from my favorite astro-physicist:

In more political news, the PA voter ID requirement has been delayed, but the state is lagging behind getting that information out here.  Rachel Maddow’s show had some fun with it:

As a complete and total no-brainer, access to contraception reduces the abortion rate.  Thankfully, Obamacare does just that, provides free and available contraception options to women.

And lastly in politics today, this is floating around, but give it a watch, it’s great:

There is a new captcha system, that brings light to human rights abuses.  Pretty awesome if you ask me:

And leaving politics for a little bit, for those of you eager to celebrate Halloween, check out how to make this awesome pumpkin keg.

Or even better for Halloween, printable poison labels:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, it’s like the Humble Bundle, but for books!  Pretty cool

For all those children of the 80s, I choose to believe that this did work, even though science says it doesn’t:

Well this is absolutely infuriating.  And so is this.  And this is so scary, and yet another reminder why we need the Affordable Care Act.

But this is awesome, the mayor of Phoenix tries to live on food stamps, to better connect with those in his city.

The Information is Beautiful awards have been announced, check them out here.

Google has unveiled google maps for the coral reefs:

Fox News and the WSJ areboth wrong about climate change.  Raise your hand if you’re surprised.  No one?

And if you haven’t seen it before, the best animal photo bomb ever:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what I have today.

First up, a strange, and what looks like a very uncomfortable bike:

Also, what happens when someone else locks up their bike but you want to leave?

Apartment Therapy has a post up about surface computing.  I like the idea of being able to “create” a coaster, an area that is movable, that won’t interact with what is placed on it.

Aside from the fact that guys are reading Playboy while getting their hair cut (that seems odd to me), it’s a good ad, I didn’t see the ending coming at all, either:

In case you didn’t hear, CNN reported the ruling on the ACA incorrectly on Thursday:

Some of the Lebanese people are sick of protests.  So they protested.  But at least they didn’t get fined.

I saw this floating around Facebook, and The Good Men Project picked it up as well:

Quick update tonight before I’m back tomorrow with a larger one, here’s what I have for you right now:

From Buzzfeed:

I feel as though I need this.  Because I do: a handy chart to tell you what produce is in season when.

This came up twice on my Facebook feed, and I love it:

Check out more, and I think those of us in PR should be posting this one more often:

And of course, The Onion Nails it: Republicans, Leukemia Team up to Repeal Health Care Law.

Okay one more:

Quick update for everyone, and hopefully I’ll be back again later today, here’s what I’ve found this time:

First up, the NSFW trailer for the new movie Ted:

And speaking of NSFW, check out the first episode of Savage U.  It’s edited for a younger audience, so short clips, almost sound-byte quality, but its a good watch.

For your daily dose of political news, check this out:

Sad that there is such a price discrepancy!

Geek and Sundry kicked off this week with two great videos, first up a new music video from The Guild:

And the first episode of The Flog:

And lastly, I will also be back with my annual Good Friday post, but until then, enjoy this:


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