Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the only way to present a puppy:

 Lord of the Rings tarot cards, pretty awesome artwork!

There will be a fantasy league for the puppy bowl this year.  Yes, you did read that correctly.

A little late for this year (unless you celebrate Orthodox Christmas), but this is well done:

The Onion takes on hell.  And it’s fabulous take-over.

How big is the moon?  This big.

How a choir of “silent monks” did to celebrate Christmas.

A son’s Christmas gift to his dad:

An alternate ending to Harry Potter, very well done, actually.

How Libertarians have failed the country on gay rights.

When Thomas Kinkade and Star Wars mix.  Pretty awesome!

That’s it for now, have a great one everybody!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the second season of Zombies, Run! was just released.  I’m still working my way through their training program and season 1, but it really is an awesome way to get into running:

The Chicago Tribune bought the staff of The Boston Globe lunch.

Well this is pretty amazing:

A one night stand stretches into two days…because of the Boston bombings.

The Onion is coming to Amazon video, and I couldn’t be more excited:

Hopefully this link works (it may or may not), but the Chicago Tribune takes a look at the state of American fantasy.

There have been some good gun control ads, I think this is one of the best:

It’s a little trippy, and if you get motion sickness, it may not be for you, but a really cool video made from images from Google Earth.  Also a great way to showcase the persistence of motion.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have, first up, this amazing performance by the OSU marching band, the amount of cheering is awesome:

The Tom Hanks/Nerdist typewriter saga.

Since we can’t learn about his tax returns, we can instead, make stuff up.  Sounds legit.

And this is just asshatery at it’s finest.  Much like the owner of Papa John’s saying that if Obama is reelected he’ll have to raise pizza prices for his customers.

Angry Birds Star Wars is coming, and I’m excited.  Cautious, but excited:

PTSD is absolutely vicious, and the VA at best sometimes, seems incompetent.  Will this work, I’m not sure, but I hope it can at least bring some conversation to the table at the condition and how we can work together to support our veterans.

ManMade DIY has a flow chart on how to pick the perfect apple.

If it weren’t for all the tunnel construction (and my schedule), I would go to this play, looks pretty amazing!  And it’s done with Zunes!

I’m so glad that this is now a thing:

I don’t think it will work, sadly, but a valiant effort to have a reasonable conversation about gun violence.

This just confuses me, but I want to make one!

And if you haven’t read it, Chris Kluwe once again knocks it out of the park.  Or I guess I should use some sort of football analogy.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Quick update tonight before I’m back tomorrow with a larger one, here’s what I have for you right now:

From Buzzfeed:

I feel as though I need this.  Because I do: a handy chart to tell you what produce is in season when.

This came up twice on my Facebook feed, and I love it:

Check out more, and I think those of us in PR should be posting this one more often:

And of course, The Onion Nails it: Republicans, Leukemia Team up to Repeal Health Care Law.

Okay one more:

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I have this time.  On a side note, I’m finally getting to some really old links I’ve had stored away, so hopefully I’ll be getting through most of them soon, although I’ll have to see how many links still work.  Anyway, onto the content.

First up, awesome Star Wars portraits from the 19th century:


Pretty awesome video over on Vimeo: travel cross country via Google Street View.

This is a really cool idea, although I tend not to like the texture of onions, I really like the idea of the pepper rings.

And lastly, there is hope for humanity after all.  I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Happy Monday everyone!  Let’s see what we have today:

First up, this ad aired only in Canada during the Super Bowl, but I really like it:

Interesting ad from Copyranter:

What a strange caveat.

Lego is releasing LotR sets, and I’m super excited for them, as well as the inevitable video games.  Check it out here.

Amazing post from Literally Unbelievable:

I still need to see Thor and Captain America, but here is the preview for Joss Whedon’s The Avengers, and I’m already making plans to go see it:

Another ad from Copyranger, kind of awesome, would be cool to see this run in City Paper:

I love the toast to Jared in this:

And this ad has been making its rounds, I think it’s fairly well done (or at least a good idea, the art needs some work), although a objectifying to women, I hope there’s a male counterpart in the campaign:

And finally, every presentation you’ll sit through, ever:

Let’s give this a second try…(first time did not save and I lost everything).  Hey everybody!  Lots of fun links to pass on, and I’ll be updating The Great and Secret Show as well, so stay tuned for more later this weekend as well.

I’ve found a lot of old links (from a few months ago), so I’ll only be posting the relevant ones, hope you enjoy:

Sometimes life is funny.  And ironic.

I really hope the city decided to leave the chalk drawings:

I was in a conversation with a friend talking about the different names for groups of animals.  The obvious winner is a sedge of cranes.

Ever feel alone?  You got nothing on this guy!

Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies is about exactly what you think, or at least their banner is.  The site is on Bloquin, so good luck trying to get it to display correctly or have a working RSS feed though.

I hate the Wesboro Baptist Church as much as anyone.  But I love that they tried to take on the San Diego Comic Con and lost, so bad (and this doesn’t even show the parade the attendees put on as a counter protest).  Strong language and logic that will make your head explode about eight times:

Here is a cool chart showing different aspects on covers of fantasy book.  I can’t embed it here, for some reason it breaks Joomla.  Sorry!

And really, at this point, you’re just showing off:

Okay, that’s it for this one, shorter update, but more to come soon!

Hey all, I’ve been caught up in the Olympics, so not much posting here, but all kinds of stuff that I want to share.  So enjoy the update:

First, in regards to the snow, check out this article from The Radical Middle, and then this video:

Also, the Pittsburgh Zoo finds out that kangaroos don’t like snow.  Who would have guessed?

I love Fleury, a whole lot.  Here’s him and Sid talking about the snow (which I realize is ridiculous on at least three levels, but hey, it’s fun):

Speaking of Fleury and Sid, Olympics!  Here’s what Slate suggested you watch if you watch just one thing a day.  A really funny read (and I apologize in advance for the tardiness of all the Olympic articles, I got so caught up in the games that I didn’t write about them).  And here is their awesome Sap-O-Meter.  I’ll give you a hint, NBC is really sappy, and generally, awful at covering the Olympics.

I don’t know what’s going on in this picture, but we are seeing Bob Costas outside of his living room, so it’s got to be a plus.  Also, Colbert!  Make sure you watch this video that I’m not allowed to embed.  Stupid NBC.

Slate also takes a stab at the biathalon.  Awesome read, which just helps me galvanize my mindset that it’s a weird sport.  I have more respect for it, but it’s weird.

I’m thinking it may not be actually from Verizon, but this is an awesome blend of nostalgia and current technology:

This might be one of my new favorite sites, someone watching season six of Lost, who has never seen it.  It’s worth it just for the drawings!

And the healthcare debate rages on, it’s a few days old, but still worth a watch.  Rachel Maddow is, of course, amazing:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


And Jon Stewart takes on Glenn Beck, who is railing against…public libraries?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Rage Within the Machine – Progressivism
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Vancouverage 2010

A gut wrenching blog entry over at PG+, if you’re a subscriber, check out the link.  If not, consider signing up!  And I know I’ve promised to talk about it over at Metblogs, and I still am planning on doing that, I promise!

A great follow up to the video clips I posted before about the phrase “fucking retard.”  As in, “Sarah Palin is a fucking retard.”

I’ve been really, really excited about the return of URU.  To help you get into the Myst spirit, check out this awesome online fan project  – Myst and Riven books! And in related news, over a million people are now playing D&D online, probably because it’s free (with some premium content).  Maybe we’ll see a lot of interest in URU!  We can only hope!

See, even lawyers need typography!

Wow, scam artists keep going, just under different names, preying on different people.  The Stranger starts a new campaign and the Onion, once again, hits it home:

New Law Would Ban Marriages Between People Who Don’t Love Each Other

The Onion does a great job, and maybe humor is what we need in the discussion, but marriage equality is serious.  Don’t believe me?  Try filing taxes as a same-sex couple.

What is Wes Anderson directed Spider Man?  Oh yes:

Cool ad that was apparently really effective, although the price must be really big, and installation I’m sure was a pain:

So not safe for any eyes, and just the idea of it (you’ll understand if you click through) confuses me, but this may in fact be the worst Unicorn tattoo ever.  Ever.  Also bad for your eyes: the 20 worst tramp stamps.

Gizmodo has a cool article about the hypocrisy of Apple and their app store.  A good read.

Have you been reading PittGirl’s new column at Pittsburgh Magazine.  You really should, here’s her latest.

I agree, this is the best ending to Judge Judy ever:

And finally, I always suggest watching Arrested Development, here are the eight biggest ongoing jokes through the whole series, enjoy.

Alright, I’m heading home to watch the gold medal match of Olympic hockey, so excited!

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