Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today (lots of video):

First up, it’s an overused song, but it is the encore to the musical American Idiot, and is a great arrangement:

My favorite bit about the entire horse meat scandal?  Denny’s wouldn’t deny that they served horse meat.

For those who like Sriracha, how about in your beer?  I”ll pass.

Thanks to Josh for finding this high adventure urinal:

I may have posted this before, but it is a beautiful episode, and timely, since I just read Hyrule Historia.

This is a little trippy, but I love it:

Woy posted this to twitter, and although it’s now a bit sad, it’s a great sign:

As a reminder, the ACLU defends free speech.  Even if it’s speech they don’t agree with.  That’s kind of their job and why I support them so much.

Lots of nerdy fun in this one:

The aptly named, Is Nate Silver a Witch (.com)  Probably, by the way.

NFL Quarterbacks and their Muppet counterparts.

I enjoyed this short TED video:

Alright, that’s it for today, have a great one!

Lots of fun things, let’s see what I have today.

First up, this has been making it’s rounds, but check out the Drama Button:

Canada is awesome.  Case in point: glow in the dark, dinosaur quarters.  I know, right?!

Just remember kids, this is me:

I think parts of it look a little sloppy, and they got weird dialogue from him, but check out the awesome R2D2 cake:

Copyranter has boccie ads:


Next time, they need to at least use a tripod, but the new world-record for Rube Goldberg machines, from Purdue Engineering:

And lastly, Funny or Die hits it out of the park with this awesome (and NSFW) video (which I can’t embed, sorry).

That’s it for now, I’ll be back soon with more!

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