Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what have today. First up, and most importantly, a reminder for November:

Tom Holland and Chris Pratt want to start an Avengers DnD game and I’m all for it!

This comic is relevant to my career.

There were so many things I loved about Mayor Pete (and of course, things I didn’t), but his representation matters so, so much. Here is just one example of it, something I would have never dreamed of seeing growing up.

Also in political news, and especially after he’s been attacked for it, I love this ad from Bernie.

And in great news to help flip the Senate, Democratic challengers are leading in four tight races against incumbents!

An amazing look at the sets of The Mandalorian.

Aaron Schock is fucking trash.

Romero’s Day of the Dead is getting a new treatment as a short-run series on SyFy.

But in sad news from SyFy (although not wholly unexpected), The Magicians will end at the end of this season. An amazing show and book series, although both very different from each other.

And finally, bringing it back to the comic linked above, here’s some trucks in a towing contest:

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, this is clever:

The woman who ruined a priceless fresco of Jesus, has a lawyer and wants money now that her creation is on display.

Want a sneak peak of the sequel to Angry Birds, Bad Piggies?  Click here for the details.

I’m really excited for this movie, and love the poster:

The Good Men Project has a great, heartwarming story about a bus driver, go read it and restore some of your faith in humanity!

I can’t embed it, but check out this cool video of an art project involving swings!

Need some recopies for beer milkshakes?  Man Made DIY has you covered.

So, Senate Republicans rejected a bill that would provide jobs for Veterans.  I don’t understand how anyone could be so awful.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, have a great one!

Quick update for everyone.

First up, sadly, it looks like the Senate is trying to pass another SOPA, just with another name. Bad Senate!  Don’t do that.

Al Jazeera has a good segment about a proposed bill in Australia which will fine parents who don’t get their children vaccinated:

Hint, if you keep talking about how vaccines are evil and a ruse by the government, I will delete you from my Facebook newsfeed.  That will….certainly not teach you anything.

So once upon a time, there was a horror movie made aboard the International Space Station.  Who knew?

And lastly, a reminder to eat healthy and slowly:

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