Today's Mighty Oak

Lots of fun things, let’s see what I have today.

First up, this has been making it’s rounds, but check out the Drama Button:

Canada is awesome.  Case in point: glow in the dark, dinosaur quarters.  I know, right?!

Just remember kids, this is me:

I think parts of it look a little sloppy, and they got weird dialogue from him, but check out the awesome R2D2 cake:

Copyranter has boccie ads:


Next time, they need to at least use a tripod, but the new world-record for Rube Goldberg machines, from Purdue Engineering:

And lastly, Funny or Die hits it out of the park with this awesome (and NSFW) video (which I can’t embed, sorry).

That’s it for now, I’ll be back soon with more!

These girls are in sixth through eighth grade.  Good gravy they are amazing:

As a quick wrap up to the Olympics, Virginia has a great article over at That’s Church, make sure to check it out.

Looking for good, online entertainment?  Check out this year’s nominees from the Streamy’s.  I recommend The Guild (and also The Legend of Neil), but I’ll be using the nominee list to find new programs, I’ll let you know what I find that I recommend.

Did you know that the earthquake in Chili shifted the Earth and made the axis about three inches shorter?  Which in turned shortened our days by about 6.8 microseconds.  I believe it was Carbolic Smoke Ball that took that opportunity and ran with it.

Weird confession time: I love signs.  Ask anyone who has ventured out into the real world with me, if I have my camera, I inevitably made them stop so I could take a picture of a sign.  And now Slate is running a series of articles all about signs!  I haven’t had a chance to read any of it yet, but I’m super excited!  So geeky!

Take a look at this awesome chart.  DRM may be all but extinct from music, but there’s still more to worry about, namely at the moment: books.

If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it and marvel:

I love zombies.  And I like Guitar Hero.  And I love Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day.  Apparently this game was made specifically for me.

See!  I told you Avatar was really Pocahontas.  Again, not that’s a bad thing, there are only so many stories that can be told.  But I will be made if Avatar wins for best editing, I thought that part of the movie was done poorly in a few spots that really stood out.

CFV 426 – Avatar/Pocahontas Mashup FINAL VERSION from Randy Szuch on Vimeo.

Good job, D.C!  Check out an awesome video over on Slog.  I think I read that they have been together for 13 years already, so good for them!

I love the idea of this chalkboard table, but the guy who came up with it came up with all kinds of uses I would have never even thought of!  Makes setting the table a breeze!  And no more placemats to wash!

I have to check with the Myst/URU folks, but there may be some weird copyright conflict going on here with the OA’s new program Mysterium Compass.  Mysterium is the annual Myst conference.  Yes I’m a nerd, no I’ve never gone, yes I always lobby for it to be held in Pittsburgh, and yes, I really want to go to one held in Spokane so I can get a tour of Cyan’s headquarters.

Foe everyone keeping track at home, Fucking retard Sarah Palin didn’t get a good response on Leno, it was added in by a sound engineerOriginal article here.   Again, I’m allowed to say that Sarah Palin is a fucking retard, it’s satire, just like Rush Limbaugh (did I even spell that correctly?) and Steven Colbert told me.

Another quick political thing, I love Rep. Grayson.  So much!  Watch him with crazy Bachmann (who looks frightened) on Larry King Live:

I can’t embed it, but go watch Jon Stewart take on Chat Roulette and the other news stations “investigating” it.

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