Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, I’m back, have a couple bigger updates to get caught up after my month of writing a novel, so here we go.

First up, an awesome ad from Germany:

Slog shows off the Book Vending machine.

Waaaallllmmmmaaarrrrttttt cccccaaaarrrrreeeessss:

Need an emergency compliment, for yourself or someone else?  Click here.

The Whiskey Advent Calendar.  I don’t have anything to add to that, actually.

Awesome stunt by Best Buy on Black Friday:

I love Pantone, but even I think this is a little much.  But when you have to match colors, I guess you might as well go all out.

Anderson Cooper gets in an awesome burn on Twitter.  So fantastic and gratifying to read.

Let’s assume that this is in celebration of Movember:

And for some politics, guess what percentage of the popular vote Romney got.  No really, go ahead and guess.  You’ll never guess what percentage he got. AHAHAHAHA.

The Good Men Project breaks down what the electoral college map would have looked like had only white males voted, and MaddowBlog breaks down some other really cool maps as well the result of the gerrymandering that went on after the last census.

And if someone complains that the Democrats don’t care about the deficit, just show them this link.

And I’m back (not on the netbook, but I’ll be back on that tomorrow most likely).  First up:

This seems unnecessary: tattoo ink that vibrates when you have a cell phone call.

We just passed the two year anniversary of Obamacare:

Slog points us to a cool view of the Sistine Chapel.  I particularly think the music is a nice addition.

MaddowBlog has this amazing bumper sticker posted:

And College Humor points us to some wonderful travel posters for the modern day.

I don’t know if the video will embed below (I’ll guess no ahead of time), but Dan Savage’s new show starts next month on MTV.  And it’s actually making me want to watch MTV again!  Check it out:


So, here’s what’s going on with SOPA/PIPA, from the PR Breakfast Club:

Representative Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who heads the House Judiciary Committee, expects his panel to resume consideration of the House bill in February. Even President Barack Obama has not exactly killed it.

Rep. Smith will most likely adjust the House bill so it can get an consensus. The same will be done in the Senate. And since President Obama has received campaign donations from Hollywood and the internet industries, according to the Washington Post,  he will try to find a way to satisfy both sides of the coin.

But what did we learn from the dark?  Joho fills us in:

First, This is our Internet. We built it. We built it for us, not for you. We get to turn off the lights, not you.

Second, we are better custodians of culture than are culture’s merchants because we understand that culture is what we have in common. We feel pain every time something is held back from this Commons.

Third, just as we can make someone famous rather than having to passively accept the celebrities you foist upon us, we can make an idea politically potent. Going dark was the self-assertion with which political engagement begins.

Fourth, there’s a growing “we” on the Internet. It is not as inclusive as we think, it’s far more diverse than we imagine, and it’s far less egalitarian than we should demand. But so was the “we” in “We the People.” The individual acts of darkness are the start of the We we need to nurture.

Even my own little protest had a little impact, which I was thankful for.  I love the fourth point above, about the ‘We’ of the Internet.  Maybe it’s a step closer to online equality and an information utopia.

Slog weighs in on the economics of SOPA/PIPA here.

And I’ll close out with a quote shared by Clintus by MG Seigler:

The best way to combat piracy is to remove barriers, not put up new ones

An art installation “sees” you walking down the street, scans your face, and pulls up what may be your Facebook and Twitter feeds, photos and even talks to you in what it thinks your voice will sound like.  All of this from information we freely put online.

Check out the Slog piece here.

I have a bunch of stuff to pass on, but I cut the tip of my index finger, so typing is strange, at best.  I’ll see what I can do, but I should be back soon with the rest of what I have (unless work does in fact manage to kill me this week).

First up, amazing, amazing video from Wisconsin:

Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill Protest from Matt Wisniewski on Vimeo.


From an amazing piece from Slog:

If you truly believe that labor unions are so evil and/or unnecessary—indeed, un-American—then why don’t you volunteer to give up all the rights and benefits the labor movement has won for working Americans over the past 140 years? You know, little things like the 8-hour workday, weekends, paid overtime, paid sick, holiday and vacation days, child labor laws, workplace safety, workers compensation for on-job injuries, unemployment insurance, health care insurance, maternity leave and family medical leave… not to mention the minimum wage, Social Security, and Medicare, plus a whole lot of other things I’m probably forgetting.

Go ahead, give those things up. Because without organized labor, you wouldn’t have any of those rights or benefits in the first place.

Apparently there is friction in a vacuum, who knew?  Scientists, I guess.  Crazy photons, what can’t they do?

In honor of President’s Day, Nerve has ranked the Presidents and First Ladies in terms of sexiness.  You should easily be able to guess who tops the First Lady list, but, points for this description of number 28:

Abigail Adams was not the ugliest first lady, by any means. Just frighteningly severe and voted most likely to “cut a bitch.”

So it looks like some movie studios are thinking about releasing their features as Apps.  Interesting concept, and it would enable you to take it with you to new devices since app purchases are tied to your e-mail permanently.  We’ll see how this plays out.

Did you know that Felicia Day is staring in the new webseries “Dragon Age: Redemption”  I know, pretty sweet, check out the trailer:

Also speaking of nerdy things, The Wheel of Time is being made into a game.  Guess I should get working on finishing books 9-13 (and 14 when it comes out).

What if the Mississippi River was really a transit map?  This is really cool, although I was sad to see the Yough wasn’t listed.

Also, I’m really excited that the Scottish Deer Hound won Westminster!  I saw it for the first time on Thanksgiving and think it’s a really cool dog!

Thank you James Earl Jones, for everything:

Okay, let’s play a game with youtube.  Of the two following movie trailers, one is for a “Direct to YouTube” movie.  The other is a trailer for a Porn.  See if you can tell them apart:

Sometimes reality is weird.  And in sad movie news, the producer of the Narnia films has died.

Also, does anyone else find this weird?

So the Wesboro Baptist Church has finally pissed off Anonymous.  This will be fun to watch, I can’t wait.

How to get a sitcom canceled, as told by Arrested Development.  A small piece:

Audiences love fast cars and exciting vehicles

So see if you can put in some heavy machinery like a stair-car, that isn’t easily associated with speed or sex appeal.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon, have a great one!

Quick update for everyone.  First up, San Francisco has these awesome touch screen games installed at bus stop, that allow you to play multiplayer games against other bus stops.  Would be a cool way to have neighborhood pride I think!

Did you know that Congress passed Socialized medicine and mandated that citizens buy health insurance?  In 1798.  Interesting read.

Many items from the Civic Arena are being auctioned off, however, I think they are kind of scrapping the bottom of the barrel with this one:

Yes!  You can own a pendaflex file folder filled with assorted press releases.  Uh huh.  See how they are sticking out of the sides, that’s how you know it’s quality!

Slate has a really funny article about if O was written by someone else, check it out.

Make sure to watch Colbert, as always, he nails it:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Mika Brzezinski Experiences Palin Fatigue
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> Video Archive

And finally, make sure to read this awesome article from Slog about the sad state of mental health in this country.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Hello everybody!  Big ole update for you today, enjoy the links and all the fun things!

I saw Alice in Wonderland last week, and I enjoyed it, although the 3D was totally unnecessary, and I would suggest you save the money and see it in normal 2D.  One entire section of the movie is the classic orange/blue contrast (Alice’s dress and the Mad Hatter’s hair), which was cool, but kind of overdone.  And strangely enough, every singe preview before the movie was for a Disney movie.  My brother and I both noticed it, I hope that does not become a trend.  Disney however, did do a cool thing and pull the original Alice out of the vault for an ‘unanniversary’ release.  And finally on the subject of Alice, check out what Disney did with $700,000 dollars:

The Wrap discusses the blurring of the line between news and advertising and the journalistic integrity/ad revenue debate that always rages on.  Do I like te ad?  Not really, I don’t think it made much use of the medium.  Do I think readers realized it was an ad and knew to turn the page?  Yes.  Do I think it probably annoyed them?  Yes.  But then again, those are just my thoughts.

Also in ad news, Copyranter has coverage of an awesome McDonalds ad:

Copyranter also links to a spot for colon/rectal screening, pretty clever:

Queen of the Nerds, Felecia Day will return as Little Red Riding Hood on SyFy (I feel dirty just typing that).  I’m very excited, hopefully it turns out well.  Now to wait for The Guild season 4!

Also in nerd news, BrentalFloss’s first CD is coming out soon:

Speaking of nerd type things, you should read Sex Advice from a DnD player, including this gem:

I’ve been dating someone really great for a few months, but he’s never referred to me as his girlfriend. How do I take it to another Level?

While the obvious answer is “Accomplish a story task in the boyfriend track for XP equal or greater to your next level threshold,” I get the feeling you might be hinting that you want to descend into the fetid labyrinth that festers beneath his ancient wizard’s tower. In that case the stairs are in quadrant M23, behind the Throne of the Kobold Hetman.

During the Oscars, I was really interested in the winner of one of the short film categories: Logorama.  Check out the entire film (16  minutes) here.

I know it’s been over for a while, but this is one of the coolest things to come out of the Olympics: Water usage (specifically dealing with toilet flushes) during the gold medal hockey game.  Pretty awesome!

Here’s a cool video made entirely from a flatbed scanner:

Memoirs of a Scanner (Pillows Edition) from Damon Stea on Vimeo.


XKCD is one of my favorite online comics.  Toby Dave and Ian explain it here, and Jocelyn explain Toby, Dave and Ian explaining it here.  Wow, so meta!

I missed it (due to date and the fact it was in Washington State), but even though I’m horribly afraid of any kind of public protest, I might have gone to a protest for Pluto:


A horrible injustice has occurred! Aghast astronomers, intrepid interstellar adventurers, and many others have joined forces to protest one of the darkest days in recent solar system history. Pluto—the smallest and most distant planet—has been removed from the planetary pantheon.

We refuse to bow to this outrageous decree and declare: PLUTO IS A PLANET.

It’s been stirring for a while, but here are some of the letters that have been send to the Itawamba County School Board, in response to their cancellation of prom and then trying to blame it on one of their students.

And speaking of, here is a great, great editorial piece written in response to it, here is one of my favorite paragraphs, which is a little out of context, so I would encourage you to read the whole thing:

What happens is that some Protestants cherry-pick edicts out of the Bible that support their prejudices and then, in a neat bit of mental judo, spread their arms wide and claim their religion is under attack if anyone contradicts them. “What about tolerance for ME?” they cry. It’s as if I seized a copy of the Bible and began beating someone over the head with it and, when you try to stop me, I accuse you of failing to respect my faith.

And some more old news, check out Jon Stewart discuss the Massa/Beck interview:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Sour Gropes
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

Cool video showcasing monsters/aliens taking profile pictures:

Here’s an interesting article about how to put together a useful online news room, some great ideas, although I would probably pick and choose a couple of things, depending on the situation of course.  And Nathan discusses some of his favorite online tools.

Remember those old Choose your Own Adventure books?  How about choose your own adventure blog?  Pretty cool stuff!  I can’t wait to read through it!  And here’s the Twitter version.  Speaking of Twitter, have you ever wanted to see Tweets illustrated?  Of course you have!

I saw this on Slog, and I think a couple other places, but here’s a cool video about possible future kiosks that will work with tablets:

Penguin Books is going to be releasing cloth bound, hard cover classics, the design is very old, but impressive (especially the cloth).  Here is what the first and second sets will look like.

Apparently one of Tiger’s mistresses has released the contents of her text messages with him.  Apparantly we already knew half of the conversation, so Slate put together their own version:

Joslyn: Sent: 04:02 PM 08/28/2009:
What would you say to Carlsbad Caverns if you were there right now?

Tiger: Sent: 04:06 PM 08/28/2009:
I want to be deep inside you

Joslyn: Sent: 04:12 PM 08/28/2009:
LOL. I love spelunking.

I don’t see what all the fuss is about!

And an absolutely, positively must watch clip:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Conservative Libertarian
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

And here’s an awesome video from Colbert about the Census:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
United States Census 2010
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

And in scout news, the Girl Scouts (who are surprisingly more and more progressive, even if their paperwork or organization doesn’t really work or make any sense), even (denying and then admitting) to putting out a sex-positive, realistic pamphlet.  The PR is kind of a nightmare (denying it, then making up lies, then saying that it was yours all along).  And the story is at a conservative site that uses a boy scout merit badge sash by the way.  And over on the other side of the gender gap, an Eagle project had to be changed from a volleyball court to bocce due to noise concerns.  It doesn’t make any sense to me at all, but that is part of the process, working with the community. I will add though, that when we play bocce at camp, we are generally pretty loud, it’s because we’re having fun!

The Kill The Gays bill in Uganda debate rages on, Andrew Sullivan covers it, here’s a quote:

The anti-homosexuality bill, simply put, is a backlash. A backlash from a group that, in the long run, is losing the battle of ideas.

Andrew also recently had a great entry about his marriage:

Even though we have been together for six years, shared a household for five and a half years, pooled our finances for five and a half years and will be celebrating our third wedding anniversary this summer, we are total strangers as far as the federal government is concerned. And if the federal government recognized our marriage, I would have been an American citizen three years ago. In fact, if I had married a longtime female friend 20 years ago, I would be a long-standing citizen right now. (Yes, a heterosexual marriage would have voided the HIV ban automatically for the past 22 years.)

What does the federal government call a legally married man who has paid taxes for twenty-two years and has a PhD, and a job? A faggot.

I almost forgot, Healthcare finally passed!  Here’s some reaction to it, as well as how it will affect you (three versions here, here and hereAnd here’s some reaction and some answers to common questions (a very good read) as well as Slate’s ideas for the Republican party.

Here’s a great, if asshole-ish series of e-mails, the greatest quote:

Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus have a sword fight.

Ben Folds sings to Chatroulette users as his new alter ego, Merton, live during a concert.  Check it out:

Here’s a really cool evaluation of Flickr images throughout the seasons (click through for the whole article):

Lifehacker covers how to make cheap and effective screen covers here.

In college we read a book called The Influentials, and this made me think of my friend Teri, who most certainly was an influential on our campus.  I’ll have to alert her to her changing status…

I don’t have anything to add to this trailer, it’s just awesome:

And finally, here’s a cool montage of movie endings:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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