No use crying over spilling either. But of course, while excitedly trying a new tea (English afternoon), I spilled half of it.

Still great, and will have to find some more of!
No use crying over spilling either. But of course, while excitedly trying a new tea (English afternoon), I spilled half of it.
Still great, and will have to find some more of!
Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, these adorable parents who play a game of Mario Kart every morning to see who has to put on the kettle for their tea.
This dog responds to Harry Potter spells. Something to strive for in a pet!
A version of Fahrenheit 451 that can only be read when heat is applied to the pages.
Billy Porter is a treasure. He gives it to Kevin Hart and I’m all for it.
Christian Bale credits Satan for him being able to play Cheney. And it’s perfect.
Brazil elected their own far-right politician, and he spent his first day in power stripping rights from the queer community.
For something a bit lighter, here’s the Powerpoint presentation as to why Belle should have picked Gaston instead of the beast. Spoiler: The French Revolution.
The cast of The Magicians talks about their commitment to diversity, another reason to love that show!
Liberty Counsel, a hate group, is lobbying against an anti-lynching bill because it protects the queer community.
And in sweet, sweet hypocrisy, an anti-gay preacher wants you to know that he still hates gays, even though he was caught with sex workers.
Federal courts have blocked the horrific ‘citizenship’ question that was going to be added to the census.
The nominee for the next Attorney General ran HIV internment camps at Guantanamo.
In horrifying, saddening and infuriating news, the gay purge in Chechnya has resumed.
And after all of that horrible news, we need some comedy: