Today's Mighty Oak

Just cheking in with everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything here.

The July Project over at Pittsburgh Metblogs is still going strong, so make sure to take a look if you haven’t seen it yet.  I’d also like to work on some way to better link to the blogs that I read on a consistent basis, we’ll see though.  I’ll work on that in the fall, along with getting some more galleries up (including VGL and possibly Conclave).

Things at camp are going well.  We got some rain this week, which was much needed, so that was nice.  Dan left today for Botswana, I think I convinced him (or at least helped to convince him) to start a blog while he’s over there, so that will be cool to read about his experiences.  My parents sent me an awesome package of stuff, which has been keeping me entertained.

Tuesday, Ranger Ken kidnapped me at 5:30.  He came into the office, pulled me out and then put me into his car and we went to dinner and to see Harry Potter.  He has never read the books, and made some very funny comments during the movie.  We’ve also all agreed that we won’t tell him how book 7 plays out so he has to see the movies with us when they come out. 

It has been (knock on wood), a fairly quiet night, which is a nice change from this week.  I think if it stays like that I’ll head down to the dock and read for a while tonight.  That’s it for now, I’m heading across the way for dinner, catch everyone later!

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