Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update for everyone, I”ll be back with much more very soon as well.

First up, this is just adorable, so if you’re having a bad day, prepare for it to turn around:

Stunning art made from plastic water bottles, you can see more pics here.

Also from Copyranter, an awesome ad for seatbelts and an incredible series for Child Abuse Awareness.  He also has a cool ad buy for an S&M shop, but no one in Pittsburgh would have seen these, you don’t hit the bottom of the ketchup bottle, you smack the ’57’ near the neck with the heel of your hand.

 I never even thought of this, but of course, it’s amazing:

Slog has a great post, “Band Names that double as ways I would want to die.”  My favorite: Trampled by Turtles.

This chart is made from data collected this May (2012).  Sigh.

And finally from Nerdist and PBS, a primer on 8-bit art:

That’s it for now, be back soon!


Another update for everyone, but first some quick site news.  I tried installing an extension that will work with GoodReads, but so far, it has not worked yet.  I’ll keep working on it, see if I c an get it to work.  Also, Joomla 1.6 was just released, I’ll probably be upgrading sometime in the next month or so.  It will probably take me a little bit to get everything back to normal, so the site will probably be down for a weekend or so.

Would you like to play the first Super Mario Bros. as Link, or Samus, or Mega Man?  Check it out here.

Here’s some retro/cold war style video game posters, I like this one a lot:

Is there really an Olive Garden cooking school in Tuscany?  Click through to find out

Darth Vader had a couple bloopers when he recorded his voice for Tom Tom GPS:

The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. is closed, but will reopen on February 1.  Can’t wait!

Cool, if gruesome ads from Copyranter about not talking on your cellphone as you drive, as well as ads for an independent film festival (also gross, but I find it kind of funny).  Copyranter also takes on the hypocrisy of plastic water bottles, and some awesome condom ads.

And finally, here’s some commentary about the wrappers at Burger King.

That’s it for now, but I should be back again soon with more, have a great one!


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