Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update, I’ll probably have more later, but for now, enjoy!

First up, coffee shops are now getting into the Growler scene.  For those unaware, Growlers are used by microbreweries to sell and transport beer.  So now you can get 64 oz. of coffee at once.

The governor of Maine took down a mural because it showed the fight for worker’s rights and he doesn’t like that.  So now it’s a billboard:

Worried about socialism?  Stay way from West Virginia, and of course, Alaska.

Nerve has taken notice of the rash of ninja-related crimes happening in Pittsburgh.  God help us all.

George Takei is amazing.  In response to a bill in Tennessee which would make it illegal to discuss sexuality until high school (we had sex ed starting in fourth or fifth grade if I remember correctly).  So he’s taking matters into his own hands:

Remember kids, like I’ve said before, the more a politician rails against something, the more likely he or she is doing that thing.  This time: smoking pot.

That’s it for now, more soon!


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