New(ish) year, so why not a new start for this? Let’s play with this format for a bit. And since the demise of Twitter, might as well use what I have!
Anyway, this will be dangerous for me…
But look at how beautiful!
New(ish) year, so why not a new start for this? Let’s play with this format for a bit. And since the demise of Twitter, might as well use what I have!
Anyway, this will be dangerous for me…
But look at how beautiful!
Quick update for everyone:
Are you on Facebook? Of course you are, so why don’t you go and become a friend of Episcopal Priest Barbie! I know, it’s pretty awesome.
This video is pretty cool, would be a neat application for cubicle dwellers, if the feeds could be set to be live from and outside location:
In religion news, I like Wheat Thins, I think they are far superior than Triscuits, but I will stand in solidarity with Triscuit, being as that is one of the names of my car. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Neither do I, here’s the quote that started it all:
“Darwinist faggots who are as despicable as the rest, walking around eating your Triscuits.”
But Gawker caught up with the spokesperson for Triscuit:
Basil Maglaris, a spokesperson for Kraft Foods, the company that makes Triscuits, was nevertheless also stumped when asked why Islamic extremists might target his innocuous and nutritious charges. “I don’t think we have any comment on that,” he said. “Triscuits are a very popular cracker. We have a broad variety of people who love them these days.”
Except Islamic extremists?
“(Pause.) Everyone loves Triscuits, and we hope that everyone enjoys them.” We consider this to be a coded call for unity and peace. The religious and the secular alike must enjoy the crackers of their choice, free from the tyranny of snack censorship.
And in other religion news, a giant protest was held in Lebanon to demand the separation of Church and State. Pretty interesting read.
This is a pretty awesome trailer for Super Mario Galaxy 2 (the second half is just color bars, don’t bother watching for any new tidbits). The entire campaign is really fun, with awesome little sound bites here and there including “Good gravy!”:
Two more videos, then I’ll let you go, first off, Betty White is getting ready to host SNL, here’s the promo:–g
And finally, I’m an Independent. But I think I might change my affiliation to Bear Party (I seem to remember this from some time ago, but it’s good to be reminded of it)
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