Today's Mighty Oak

Note: This was mislabeled and unpublished from the back-end of the website, sorry about that!

Alright, let’s see what I have this time.  First up, some amazing ads from Greenpeace:

ABC has ordered a S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot, to be written by Joss Whedon, which is so incredible to hear!  But don’t worry, Captain Hammer is ready to help!

It’s funny and cute:

Sadly, a lot of Facebook Brand pages look like this.

If you’ve ever wondered what the layout to the apartments from The Big Bang Theory are, here they are (although I can’t imagine an actual building would have these kind of layouts, they strangely work well for TV:

What if a t-rex fought in WWII?  Find out here.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon!


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