Today's Mighty Oak

Update for everyone, let’s see what we have today.  First up, in major Pittsburgh news, a new program called “Mister Rogers for Adults.” is creating a series of short clips to air before movies and online.  I love Mister Rogers so much, so this is just amazing.  Check out the story here and subscribe via YouTube here.

NYC may be getting an underground park.  Which would be a cool compliment to the raised park that is nearing completion:

In sad news, the famous falling bear was struck by a car and killed.

To make you feel better, watch this video about dogs riding in cars.

MaddowBlog covers the new scare tactic by those who ignore science.

North Carolina will vote in less than a week to inscribe anti-marriage equality into their constitution.  In a strange and sickening turn, the effort has been endorsed by a White Supremacist group, after it was revealed it was written to “protect the white race.”  If that makes no sense to you either, don’t feel bad, it doesn’t to me.  Unless they were more concerned about the news that gay couples are more inter-racial and inter-ethnic (could someone explain the difference to me, please) than straight couples.

To cleanse your palate after that sickening development, watch this video on full-screen with the sound on.

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