Today's Mighty Oak

Ackbar’s track record is terrble, because he always predicts that it’s a trap.

Nothing too much to talk about, more or less a short update. I headed to SVC to fill out paperwork for the completed Summer Sessions brochure, so look for that soon to be added to my portfolio. It is spring break this week, so I got to see a bunch of professors and administrators while they were working. I also visited with Jan for a while (she’s student teaching and doesn’t get to take the time off with everyone else).

I picked up two more freelance projects while I was there (both for the summer), so those will be a lot of fun. I’ve also been checking out a lot of freelance websites, the one I found has barely any projects on it (and most of them web development projects, which I don’t know enough to successful complete) and the other, for whatever reason isn’t really working out for me (also, most of the bids seem to be from large companies looking for work, which makes it that much harder for individuals like myself), but I’ll keep trying (although I only get 15 bids a month unless I pay the subscription fee).

On a side note that I’ve thought about in the past (but I don’t think I’ve written about here), I always feel bad for the actors in the commercials for perscriptions that treat the more "sensitive" diseases. Case in point, the new Valtrex commercial has a couple riding bikes (he has genital herpes, and she doesn’t…and they want to keep it that way). Anyway, I feel bad for the actor, especially when he hangs out with his friends or sees his family at holidays or whatnot…must be awkward (even if he doesn’t have herpes, and then, he’d have to convince everyone that he really doesn’t, and auditioning for other jobs would be tough to, since he’s the guy with herpes from the commercial).

I did some cleaning around the house today, so I feel accomplished, and I’m planning on adding some more book reviews soon, so that is good as well. In the meantime, You Don’t Know Jack came out with their first episode (a lot longer than the other one’s I’ve posted), give it a shot if you have a few minutes, and enjoy:

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